
New member
May 29, 2019
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello! This last weekend we added a new member to our family. Walter is not my first or only dog, but he is the first English Bulldog I've ever owned. The breeder selling him said that the puppies were 8 weeks old, and as I fell in love with this guy immediately. I was not looking for another dog, as I already had 5, but there was something about him that I couldn't walk away from. So I bought him. The breeder provided me with some AKC paperwork, which I didn't really even look at (as he will just be a pet, not bred). Today we took him and his paperwork into the Vet to get his shots, when the vet pointed out that he was only 6 weeks old today! I feel so stupid for not checking that..... Either way, he is a healthy 10.5 lbs, but the vet did comment that she couldn't "feel" his testicles. She also noted that he already does find of breathing difficulties. I know breathing issues are common with this breed, but an hoping for any helpful information I can get about raising this little tank!
Castor says hi to baby Walter! I have no experience of puppies taken so early from their mum, but I guess it means attachment and socialising is particularly important as he is so young.
Hello! This last weekend we added a new member to our family. Walter is not my first or only dog, but he is the first English Bulldog I've ever owned. The breeder selling him said that the puppies were 8 weeks old, and as I fell in love with this guy immediately. I was not looking for another dog, as I already had 5, but there was something about him that I couldn't walk away from. So I bought him. The breeder provided me with some AKC paperwork, which I didn't really even look at (as he will just be a pet, not bred). Today we took him and his paperwork into the Vet to get his shots, when the vet pointed out that he was only 6 weeks old today! I feel so stupid for not checking that..... Either way, he is a healthy 10.5 lbs, but the vet did comment that she couldn't "feel" his testicles. She also noted that he already does find of breathing difficulties. I know breathing issues are common with this breed, but an hoping for any helpful information I can get about raising this little tank!

Hello n WELCOME!!

At that age testicles can probably still be in/up there n hasnā€™t dropped. 6 weeks still needs momma n the breathing at that age isnā€™t always 100% stable especially for EB. Also if itā€™s very hot where you live wonā€™t help. I would definitely call the breeder about the age n see if you can bring it back so he can stay with his mother for an extra 2weeks. Make sure itā€™s written somewhere on paperwork n signed youā€™re leaving Walter there for a couple more weeks. Just a thought.
Welcome to EBN!

Six weeks is very young to be away from Momma, those last two weeks with her are very important for socializing and behavior.

Do you have a female in your current pack that might ā€˜adopt ā€˜ her?

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Baby Walter Update: I have tried reaching out to the breeder with no success. She has not returned any of my messages. Things have been going pretty well though I think. We have a 2 year old English Lab that we rescued last fall. She had given birth to a litter of puppies a few months before we rescued her, and she has been amazing with Walter. She mothers him constantly! When he wants to play, she's there. When he needs to snuggle, she's right there for that too. And when he gets a little rowdy, she lets him know that he's being a brat! We've been making weekly visits to the vet just to make sure he's still doing well because of his young age (Our vet is just down the road and is WONDERFUL). The vet said he has gained 3lbs since his first visit and is developing properly. SO I really hope there will be no long term issues because of this.
Baby Walter Update: I have tried reaching out to the breeder with no success. She has not returned any of my messages. Things have been going pretty well though I think. We have a 2 year old English Lab that we rescued last fall. She had given birth to a litter of puppies a few months before we rescued her, and she has been amazing with Walter. She mothers him constantly! When he wants to play, she's there. When he needs to snuggle, she's right there for that too. And when he gets a little rowdy, she lets him know that he's being a brat! We've been making weekly visits to the vet just to make sure he's still doing well because of his young age (Our vet is just down the road and is WONDERFUL). The vet said he has gained 3lbs since his first visit and is developing properly. SO I really hope there will be no long term issues because of this.

Great update... so awesome you have a Momma in the house for him, he will teach him the ropes !!

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