FREAKING OUT ... Duke's eye??


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Mar 25, 2011
Philadelphia PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Ok, so most of you know Duke had entropian surgery two years ago.. 114 stitches the whole works.. his eyes have been perfect every since.... just noticed tonight on his one eye he has about a 1/4 size of his eye ( if you can picture he has big brown eyes) a 1/4 of the brown part is red? almost look fluorescent?? and a little raised?? WHAT is this???? I am so upset..I have a call into the ophthalmologist who did his surgery but he won't call back til the morning? his eye has been goopy this week ( from allergies etc ) but nothing more than the norm and he is not trying to rub it or anything? doesn't seem to bother him in the least? :pray: thoughts??
Oh, no!!!! Gosh, I bet you are just fureaking out. Poor guy! Does it seem to bother him? I have noooo idea what that would be....Does he open the eye?? Is it watering a lot?

Did you take a pic? Did you leave a message on their answering machine? If I do that, the opthalmologist will call us first thing in the morning before the office opens. Gosh....**hugs**
thank you, left a message and no its not bothering him at all? his eye is wide open and he is running around like a nut?? it is weird.. it is flush against the eye but red? like a dark red color? at first I thought maybe an ulcer but when he had one before his surgery he couldn't keep his eye open? he would squint? oh... I am going to sleep well :begging:
Ulcers are usually inside and don't cause a discoloration that is he probably couldn't open his eye...think maybe he played too hard and did something to the blood vessels or something? I would like to offer words of encouragement but since I am dealing with an eye issue, I am kind of freaked over eye problems myself. lol. I can at least offer some *hugs*. Maybe it will look better in the morning?
my husband likes that answer.. ( blood vessel ) vs ulcer...oh God we are both sitting here freaking out.. and duke is sprawled out on the floor snoozing not a care in the world.. guess we have to wait to see what the dr says. these bullies and their eye issues:cry:
Ohhh..Karen..sorry..just got on! I was thinking blood vessel too! Even tho I have zero just seems like all the rest of choices would be hurting or at least bothering him! Oh man..I know how panicked you must be..but take a cue from him..he's calm..not hurting...let's go with him...oh please let us know asap! :hug: to all!
Oh Karen--I agree with the others. Blood vessels--but blood vessels usually rush to areas of trauma so I would get the eye looked at so the vet can tell you it is nothing to worry about. There could be a small scratch on the eye but it is a really good sign that he is comfortable. Usually with an ulcer you can see the pup favoring the eye or the lid will be droopy from squinting.

Now, Lucy's eyes will get really, really red if she is really excited (like a dog friend or human kids come over to play) they usually go back to normal once she calms down and relaxes. But she had dry eye.

Have you tried putting a couple of drop of BLINK in? Can hurt anything.

Please let us know how he is doing.
Any word yet? Ive seen people with that from accidents but not a bully. Hope it's nothing serious... poor Dukeypoo! :(
Hi guys.. well my stress level is at about 180 ! the vet opthomologist told me to keep my eye on it.. We have an appoitment at 2 on Thursday for him to take a look.. it could be so many things.. he too said it is good he is not squinting etc but of course dummy me goes and googles it and it could be so manythings.. so now my stomach is in knots.. his eyes have had no issues in almost two years.. now this particular eye has been leaky for the past two months so I am worried.. this little guy has been through so much :(:( sorry don't mean to be a drama queen I just get so upset for him..
Hi guys.. well my stress level is at about 180 ! the vet opthomologist told me to keep my eye on it.. We have an appoitment at 2 on Thursday for him to take a look.. it could be so many things.. he too said it is good he is not squinting etc but of course dummy me goes and googles it and it could be so manythings.. so now my stomach is in knots.. his eyes have had no issues in almost two years.. now this particular eye has been leaky for the past two months so I am worried.. this little guy has been through so much :(:( sorry don't mean to be a drama queen I just get so upset for him..
Maybe it's allergies and this eye is really irritated! I told you..don't google..they might say duke is pregnant!
oh man i just saw this. im sorry for duke and i dont have experience with eye issues so dont know what it could b but its not bothering him so its probably nothing. in the mean time many hugs from me and sarah. i know how stressful bullys can b sarah keeps me on my toes for sure. let us know how he is doing and if we can do anything for you at all. :hug:
Karen, it could be a million things and it could be something very simple so try to take a deep breath and chill until Thursday. If the vet feared it was something "really bad" he would never let it wait until Thursday, right? In the meantime Lucy and I will keep you and Duke in our prayers and send positive vibes your way.

Please let us know how he looks when you get home. When you say it is goopy--it makes me wonder if he is starting to develop dry eye or KCS? It is not uncommon in the breed and it is common after an eye surgery. Have you tried the blink? Blink is not a permanant fix but it will cool and lubricate an irritated eye. Let me know if you need anything.

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