Help Needed! Finn is sick

cali baker

Worlds Greatest Chef
Feb 25, 2011
The Crown City (Pasadena)
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Tate Rory & Finn Paddington
I knew something was "off" with Finn since this a.m. when he wouldn't touch his breakfast. At first I thought he was just bored with his food so I went to the store and got some of his favorites--liver, hotdogs, cheese. A couple hours later I was able to get him to eat a little by putting coconut oil on his food and I was so relieved. Then this evening he ate half his dinner and about 30min later, he threw up. Then he threw up two more times after that. It was all the food he had eaten.
He seems very tired now, plus he's been very cranky towards Tate (more than normal anyways).

I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow but I was wondering if it'd be okay to give him some plain yogurt in the a.m. if he'll eat it? Thought the yogurt might help his tummy. Or best to not give him anything til he's seen by the vet? He's been drinking water and his stool looks okay.


Mar 25, 2011
Southern California
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I knew something was "off" with Finn since this a.m. when he wouldn't touch his breakfast. At first I thought he was just bored with his food so I went to the store and got some of his favorites--liver, hotdogs, cheese. A couple hours later I was able to get him to eat a little by putting coconut oil on his food and I was so relieved. Then this evening he ate half his dinner and about 30min later, he threw up. Then he threw up two more times after that. It was all the food he had eaten.
He seems very tired now, plus he's been very cranky towards Tate (more than normal anyways).

I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow but I was wondering if it'd be okay to give him some plain yogurt in the a.m. if he'll eat it? Thought the yogurt might help his tummy. Or best to not give him anything til he's seen by the vet? He's been drinking water and his stool looks okay.

Ohhhhh Henny! I'm so sorry! Could he have eaten anything?? I don't think yogurt would hurt him..but it might not help either. I'm kind of the mind..if they can't keep food down..focus on the water and don't force the food. The worse that would happen, is he would throw it up. Please let me know...:hug:


Jul 11, 2010
United States
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Bentley, Linus, Truman
I would not feed him anything until you see your vet...if you think about it, when you have a stomach ache, the last thing you want to do is eat!

I would offer water, but not food, and monitor any bowel movements to report to the vet tomorrow.

In the meantime, I hope he feels better and it's just one of those 24 hour things. :(


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Jan 28, 2010
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Oh no!!! Finn... :(. I agree with Becky... I sure hope the vomiting will pass by tomorrow. My first thought is ....oh dear....Obstruction... :(. Sending prayers your way :pray:

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
cali baker

cali baker

Worlds Greatest Chef
Feb 25, 2011
The Crown City (Pasadena)
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Tate Rory & Finn Paddington
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Okay, thanks guys :)

Yes, sure hoping it's just a 24hr bug that will pass.

Lisa, i hope it's not something he swallowed too. I just this very moment remembered that he chewed off a piece of a rubber toy and I grabbed that piece of rubber and put it on a table to throw away. Now i'm not sure if i threw it away or not...nothing there, and it's a fairly low table so he could've grabbed it and swallowed it. Oh boy...i didn't notice anything in the vomit but i should've looked more closely. I'll let the vet know tomorrow that there's a possibility that he swallowed something. Do you think they will want to do an xray tomorrow to check?


Mar 25, 2011
Southern California
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Okay, thanks guys :)

Yes, sure hoping it's just a 24hr bug that will pass.

Lisa, i hope it's not something he swallowed too. I just this very moment remembered that he chewed off a piece of a rubber toy and I grabbed that piece of rubber and put it on a table to throw away. Now i'm not sure if i threw it away or not...nothing there, and it's a fairly low table so he could've grabbed it and swallowed it. Oh boy...i didn't notice anything in the vomit but i should've looked more closely. I'll let the vet know tomorrow that there's a possibility that he swallowed something. Do you think they will want to do an xray tomorrow to check? can take weeks for something to pass. I'm pretty sure they will want to do an X-ray ..but some obstructions don't show in X-rays depends where they might be..Ohh crap. I am glad he's going tomorrow. :(
cali baker

cali baker

Worlds Greatest Chef
Feb 25, 2011
The Crown City (Pasadena)
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Tate Rory & Finn Paddington
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Thanks Becky.
I just went to the trash to check his vomit (sorry for the graphic nature of that), if that rubber thingy was mixed in there...nothing, just food. I'm mad at myself for not knowing if i threw it out or not and why didn't i do it right away?!?! Okay, no sense in worrying about it (but i will anyways)! He's sleeping now and I'm sure i'll be up watching him tonight.


Mar 25, 2011
Southern California
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Thanks Becky.
I just went to the trash to check his vomit (sorry for the graphic nature of that), if that rubber thingy was mixed in there...nothing, just food. I'm mad at myself for not knowing if i threw it out or not and why didn't i do it right away?!?! Okay, no sense in worrying about it (but i will anyways)! He's sleeping now and I'm sure i'll be up watching him tonight.

Don't beat yourself up Henny! These guys are masters of illegal snacking! I'm sure he will be ok until he gets to the vet. It sounds like he is trying to get something up!


New member
Aug 3, 2010
I would not offer him any food or water until you have seen the vet. If it is an obstruction & they need to remove it, the surgery will be safer becuz he hasn't eaten or drank anything for 12 hours

Texas Carol

Texas Carol....put the heart in EBN
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Henny, praying now that he'll be fine and he's just 'off his feed'...will be praying
he didn't eat anything or if he did, he'll get it up or poop it out. Most times they do.
He'll be fine from not eating this evening and in the morning, give plenty of water.

Sending hugs of love & support, Henny...try to rest too.


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
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Orion swallowed the arm of her stinky bear....threw it up several days later. Also the rubber cover for the handle of the crate. I saw her tugging on the upper one and when I shoo'd her away...I discovered the bottom one was missing. I started to look thru photos and videos from the previous days and discovered that it indeed had been there the previous week. 2 days later the rubber cover from the handle came up. I'm so lucky that she's not had any sort of obstruction yet. She has swallowed many stinky bear arms and many foreign objects.

Keep us up to date with what the dr says.


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Hope it turns out to be nothing major. Sending you a big hug Henny and puppy prayers for Finn.


Norwegian Rose
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Oct 8, 2012
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Hi, Henny so sorry you and Finn are going through this. You have gotten excellent advice from Becky, sheshistory, and Lisa, I agree totally with their comments. Don't feel guilty or blame yourself, I have a male Dozer who is both sneaky and quick when it comes to eating all kinds of objects, even when we are so careful to puppy proof. If it isn't nailed down he'll find it, inhale, it and swallow. So far he's been able to pass everything, thank goodness. If Finn did swallow something, hopefully he will be able to pass it or throw it up. I wouldn't give him any food since he is vomiting, it will just tax his tummy, and if the vet is going to take an X-ray tomorrow then you want his tummy to be empty, so they can have a clearer picture in case something is in there. Other symptoms that it might be an obstruction to look out for are diarrhea, vomiting, drooling water from his mouth, and listlessness, that's what Dozer had the last time he swallowed a sock. How long ago was it that you had the piece of toy on the table? Was it recent or a while ago? It can take up to a week for them to pass an object. Dozer has either thrown up or passed stuff he's swallowed through his poop, but the last time he swallowed a sweat sock, he got really sick, and lethargic, and we took him to the vet, she took an X-ray which showed a dark shadow where the obstruction was, but we didn't know what it was, she gave him IV fluids, pain medication and a strong laxative to help him pass it, she also sent us home with some fibre food in a can which we fed him a Tbsp every hour to help him pass the object. She thought he would probably need surgery, but he was able to pass it that night. It was my grandsons sock. Just keep an eye on him, and it's good he's going to the vets tomorrow, hopefully they can figure out what's causing Finn not to feel well. I hope he feels better soon. Sending hugs, love and prayers your way. Please keep us posted on what the vet says, and how Finn is doing.

Here is a pic of the sock that Dozer ate and passed.


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I also wouldn't give him anything but water. If he needs to be sedated for any reason it's easier, safer and he will recover quicker. Usko wasn't feeling well just last week. He was vomiting and really tired. Next morning he was back to normal, so it might be nothing to worry about!

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