Essential oils


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)
I canā€™t find my thread on Essential Oils in this new website . SOā€¦ā€¦.ā€¦ā€¦

It came to my attention from @2BullyMama when we were talking about oils that Young Living Essential Oils are being sued by numerous people which I had no clue. Thanks Christine šŸ‘ We in Canada donā€™t see too much news like so. Our media is so concentrating on our dumbass Trudeau who pays them all to concentrate on him that they are forgetting whatā€™s happening around the world. So thatā€™s another story I wonā€™t go into in here.

I am a big believer in Oils as most knows n especially who makes them. Iā€™m all for Young Living n DoTerra. Now that I see n read what Young Living has done to some of their products, I would personally stop buying anything from them. Been reading for a few days the people exposing YL. I know a couple yrs ago ex: their orange oil wasnā€™t the same as Iā€™ve bought it n did see the change myself. Didnā€™t think anything about it. But now after reading n digging into what people are saying, my thoughts are clearer, STOP buying Young Living for time being. Yes definitely you just need that one ā€œhate personā€ or competition that can start a rumor to destroy another but nothing is wrong by investigating on a business that ā€œpotentially canā€ be corrupted by greed. So yes stick to DoTerra. There are other good EO out there. Woolzie is great. If you see 100% pur on a bottle, put it back. Investigate on the company thatā€™s making these oils, how they make it etc. Hint, making Oils is by distilleryā€™s, if not itā€™s not pure. Im pretty sure not all YL oils were changed but if you use it orally as some you can, definitely stop n go with DoTerra. Plz donā€™t let this discourage you all from using EO as they truly do work.
Another good brand in USA is called Rocky Mountain Oils. Quality brand n great prices
Yes... whenever you buy a product you have to do your own research don't just go by one person view... dig and make your own decisions. the thing with YL that got me were all the videos and pictures of the harm it did to people.

I never bought from YL, in full disclosure i got serious cult like vibes form those selling the product so I backed off. just MY opinion... I am not saying they are, the company and sales pitches always felt off to me
Omg I bought a spray to help my Sichuan pee in the pad it was essential oil. On the box didnā€™t say what was it exactly but I recognized the smell It smelled like sage. Anyway my dog that night was shaking uncontrollably and vomiting as he was poisoned. I thrown the spray right away because it was the only new thing introduced that day . That was a scary night . Heā€™s all ok now but just a warning for everyone out there . Not all essential oil are good for out pups
Omg I bought a spray to help my Sichuan pee in the pad it was essential oil. On the box didnā€™t say what was it exactly but I recognized the smell It smelled like sage. Anyway my dog that night was shaking uncontrollably and vomiting as he was poisoned. I thrown the spray right away because it was the only new thing introduced that day . That was a scary night . Heā€™s all ok now but just a warning for everyone out there . Not all essential oil are good for out pups
If a bottle doesnā€™t say any ingredients, put it back. Oil or not, donā€™t rely on smells.

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