eaten decon im panicking help\DOzer may hav


Supreme Overlord of Awesomeness
Community Veteran
Dec 31, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
stupid mother in law jsut saw box on kitchen floor trying to call vet idk if he ate it or if it had anything in it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh no, are you at home? I would take him to the vet right away to be safe!
at my mother in laws wainting for someone from vet to call me back idk if box had anything in it im having a heart attack
omg im going to kill someone
Holy Poo.....Is he throwing up? Good luck and i sure hope he is all okay. I am sure the vet will call soon. Lola a while back ate sago palm which is poisionous (which is why we were chopping it down - we found that out) and OMG she was so sick and at the vet for a couple of days. I was so freaked out until I got her to the vet so i know what you are going thru.....She was okay and vet said she ate a good bit. Good luck and please keep us updated.
Be sure to let us know!!!!, prayers coming for Dozer that he will be ok!!
ok so mother in law says the box has been empty they have a cat and checked it when they got a cat and just kept it their to "scare" mice idk dont ask
oh my goodness.. my heart has been in my throat!! SO glad your baby is OK.. good Lord..that was scary! :whew:
I hope it was empty... Saying prayers.... How is he acting?
well i feel better but i hate the mother in law now and i hate my vet 15 min and no response nearest er vet from podunk ill is an hour what if he were hit by a car
he is acting normal jsut looking at em like what is wrong with you ugh i cnat stop crying.
OMG!! I am so glad to hear that he didn't really eat any. You must be scared to death!! Take a deep breath, give him a huge and GO HOME!
To scare mice? Sorry but that
is a bit silly sounding to me. Its
not like mice watch TV and know
what that stuff is.

Glad he is OK. Pleas let us know
what the vet says when they get
back to you in case. something like
that happens to one of us in the future.
So glad he is OK!!
It is beyond silly you have no idea what i put up with already from this woman however she would not say it was empty if she wasn't sure. She love Dozer , so im pretty confident
Vet said he should be fine if it was empty. He also said if it ever happens give him peroxide to make him vomit right away and try to bring vomit with us .. eww
Oh I hope everything is fine. For future reference, I learned the hard way on how to induce vomiting in dogs. Our Sophie ate 2lbs of chocolate truffles one Christmas. I called the vet in a panic. She said to induce vomiting by getting hydrogen peroxide down her throat. So I got out a turkey baster and squirted it down. It worked. She vomited the rest up and was fine.

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