
So weā€™ve got to Friday day 6. His appetite is definitely back . Iā€™ve had to revert to the slow feeder as heā€™s just inhaling his food. Iā€™ve moved to 50% raw 50% recovery food. I know itā€™s from hills and not probably great for him but Iā€™m following the instructions from the vets. I think the vets in Scotland may not be as pushy as in the states regarding those bad brands. His poo is back to normal and no vomiting in 3 days. Heā€™s running about and being mischievous. What I have noticed is he wonā€™t let me leave his sight . I think thatā€™s down to us being apart for his night at the hospital. Heā€™s 21 months and that night was the first night we were apart and first night he hadnā€™t been at home. Iā€™m back to work next week so he will be at my mums during the day and out with his pack for his walks . He loves routines so Iā€™m hoping this reassures him

I would get him off the Hills recovery vet food ASAP as that can cause SO many health issues.

Glad he is better!
Now that Geoffs back to health what about me . Iā€™m constantly anxious , if he breaths differently I jump, Iā€™m making myself ill worrying.
Now that Geoffs back to health what about me . Iā€™m constantly anxious , if he breaths differently I jump, Iā€™m making myself ill worrying.

I know itā€™s hard but try not to worry(yes easier said than done).

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