

Jul 10, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
Today has been horrible. Geoff woke me up barking at 7:30. I thought heā€™s just needing out for the toilet. Went down did his business and went back up to my flat. I put out his food and he ate very little which was very very strange as he loves his food. He then started acting strange , very restless and pacing round and round. Then he vomited up the food he had just eaten. For next 2 hours he brought up foam on 3 occasions. So I called the vets and booked him an emergency appointment. He then vomited yellow bile, stuttered then slumped and I will never forget the look he gave me ( it was like he was asking for help). I broke down and rushed him to the vets. They checked him out and said he appeared fine and to be honest by the time we left the vets he had improved. They gave him a shot to stop the sickness and help his stomach. Heā€™s been home now and had a good sleep. He is still very tired. Iā€™ve never been so scared and worried. Iā€™ve tried to give him scrambled eggs but heā€™s turned away, Iā€™ve given him some biscuits breaking them in bits which he has eaten . Iā€™m terrified to go to bed incase s as nothing happens to him . Can honestly say this has been a terrible start to 2023
Today has been horrible. Geoff woke me up barking at 7:30. I thought heā€™s just needing out for the toilet. Went down did his business and went back up to my flat. I put out his food and he ate very little which was very very strange as he loves his food. He then started acting strange , very restless and pacing round and round. Then he vomited up the food he had just eaten. For next 2 hours he brought up foam on 3 occasions. So I called the vets and booked him an emergency appointment. He then vomited yellow bile, stuttered then slumped and I will never forget the look he gave me ( it was like he was asking for help). I broke down and rushed him to the vets. They checked him out and said he appeared fine and to be honest by the time we left the vets he had improved. They gave him a shot to stop the sickness and help his stomach. Heā€™s been home now and had a good sleep. He is still very tired. Iā€™ve never been so scared and worried. Iā€™ve tried to give him scrambled eggs but heā€™s turned away, Iā€™ve given him some biscuits breaking them in bits which he has eaten . Iā€™m terrified to go to bed incase s as nothing happens to him . Can honestly say this has been a terrible start to 2023

oh no! Thatā€™s scary. Did the vet end up finding out the cause??

Some dogs vomit foam if they go too long without eating(my French Bulldog does that), so if your dog wasnā€™t feeling well, and didnā€™t eat, he could have been throwing up the foam because of being hungry. Not saying thatā€™s for sure what it is, I just thought I would mention that, especially if he isnā€™t feeling well for some reason and not wanted to eat, that couldā€™ve been part of it.

What are you feeding him? Brand and protein??

Cause if he isnā€™t eating and itā€™s kibble you feed, maybe try to give him a good quality Canned food or raw food or cook some extra lean ground beef and sweet potato to see if he is interested to eat it.
Just a idea to encourage him to eat something and hopefully he will feel better.

Also another thing I recommend, is giving him a probiotic, I always keep Adored Beast Gut Soothe in the fridge in case any of my dogs vomit, or have any digestion issues cause it soothes the whole system down to the stomach.

But as maintenance I use Four Leaf Rover brand OR Adored Beast brand for probiotics for my dogs.

I hope he feels better soon.

Thatā€™s definitely not a good start to the new year šŸ™

Keep us updated
Today has been horrible. Geoff woke me up barking at 7:30. I thought heā€™s just needing out for the toilet. Went down did his business and went back up to my flat. I put out his food and he ate very little which was very very strange as he loves his food. He then started acting strange , very restless and pacing round and round. Then he vomited up the food he had just eaten. For next 2 hours he brought up foam on 3 occasions. So I called the vets and booked him an emergency appointment. He then vomited yellow bile, stuttered then slumped and I will never forget the look he gave me ( it was like he was asking for help). I broke down and rushed him to the vets. They checked him out and said he appeared fine and to be honest by the time we left the vets he had improved. They gave him a shot to stop the sickness and help his stomach. Heā€™s been home now and had a good sleep. He is still very tired. Iā€™ve never been so scared and worried. Iā€™ve tried to give him scrambled eggs but heā€™s turned away, Iā€™ve given him some biscuits breaking them in bits which he has eaten . Iā€™m terrified to go to bed incase s as nothing happens to him . Can honestly say this has been a terrible start to 2023
How was he last night? Any more vomitting? How are his poo's?
Questionsā€¦..What do you feed him n how much & did he recently had any shots aside from the one you mentioned?

Didnā€™t want scrambled eggs but ate the biscuits. Most of the time yellow foam is theyā€™re not eating enough. Vet hasnā€™t found anything either so why Iā€™m asking these questions šŸ™‚
Update : so jan2 he was still poorly , not eating but had some water , no more sickness . Conked out sleeping
Jan3rd 1 am I am woken by him barking , so take him down for toilet and he vomits followed but a butt explosion , mustard water erupted from his bottom . Back up stairs and he settled for the night. Still not eaten
12 noon he goes down stairs and another bum explosion however this time I notice something sticking out of his bum so without thinking I grabbed it and pulled out a large piece of rubber . Immediately he started acting different.
We went to the vets for a pre planned check and the vet said that she wasnā€™t 100% but felt that his tummy was like it was blocked so on her advice he went to the hospital who carried out an X-ray and said they werenā€™t conclusive of any blockage but would keep him in overnight and monitor him and give him an iv.
Fast forward to this morning and I got a call to say he was appearing a lot better had eaten and hadnā€™t been sick .
I picked him up at 2 and it was a joy to see him . He immediately went to the grass and had a runny poo but it wasnā€™t like mustard water . Heā€™s been home and just done another poo which was firmer . Heā€™s been given meds for his tummy and they have given me canned food for upset stomach. I normally feed him raw boneless beef so am willing to let it slides for a couple of days then get him back on his normal raw diet.
I discovered that the rubber piece was the remains of one of his toy balls , I have no idea how long itā€™s been in there but by loss of colour and how it felt must be weeks .
Never been so relieved to see him attack the dyson and bark at the neighbours dog
WOW! so happy he passed that rubber.... and he is back to attacking the dyson and barking at the dogs!!
WOW! so happy he passed that rubber.... and he is back to attacking the dyson and barking at the dogs!!
The brown object is the offending piece , it was a baby blue coloured ball. So I have no idea how long it would take to discolour in his insides. Also god knows where the rest of it is . I searched the garden inch by inch . I think he swallowed that a while ago , maybe I confiscated the rest Iā€™m just not sure . He maybe passed smaller bits over the last while and this huge chunk got stuck?
The brown object is the offending piece , it was a baby blue coloured ball. So I have no idea how long it would take to discolour in his insides. Also god knows where the rest of it is . I searched the garden inch by inch . I think he swallowed that a while ago , maybe I confiscated the rest Iā€™m just not sure . He maybe passed smaller bits over the last while and this huge chunk got stuck?
Hope so! We just dealt with a similar issue with Chloe on Sunday; she puked up part of a toy and then ate normal, but proceeded to vomit four times. We took her to emergency (where she puked AGAIN), got the xrays, and they could see something, but weren't sure if it was in her intestine or her colon. So, we took her home on some anti-nausea meds and she did poop out another piece of the offending toy. She's been great ever since. Poor things, sometimes they are just so dumb and eat what they shouldn't! But, to be fair, we thought we were watching her so well, and obviously she snuck away and ate her reindeer when we weren't looking.

It really is such a relief when they start feeling themselves again. Praying you guys both recover fast!
Geez big piece of rubber there. That would do it. Poor thing. Glad heā€™s getting back on trackā€¦..
So glad heā€™s feeling better now! And yup, a big piece of rubber will surely do it and thankfully it came out!

I have one, Louie, who eats things he shouldnā€™t like the corner of a blanket, pieces from stuffy toys and a whole fabric toy that was basically 3 pieces of fabric roped around each other. He is not allowed to play with stuffy toys or have any toys with appendages. They eat stuff so quickly even when we watch them like a Hawk.
So weā€™ve got to Friday day 6. His appetite is definitely back . Iā€™ve had to revert to the slow feeder as heā€™s just inhaling his food. Iā€™ve moved to 50% raw 50% recovery food. I know itā€™s from hills and not probably great for him but Iā€™m following the instructions from the vets. I think the vets in Scotland may not be as pushy as in the states regarding those bad brands. His poo is back to normal and no vomiting in 3 days. Heā€™s running about and being mischievous. What I have noticed is he wonā€™t let me leave his sight . I think thatā€™s down to us being apart for his night at the hospital. Heā€™s 21 months and that night was the first night we were apart and first night he hadnā€™t been at home. Iā€™m back to work next week so he will be at my mums during the day and out with his pack for his walks . He loves routines so Iā€™m hoping this reassures him
I am so sorry you have had to go through all of this. I'm very glad to see he is doing better and was able to get that out! I had a similar situation with my boy Harvey when he was about 6mo. He did the same thing and they ultrasounded and could see something as well but weren't sure. They scoped him and pulled out a long stuffed squirrel toy. It had to have been in him for weeks! It's amazing how these little guys get into things when we watch them so closely.
Like many others now everything is monitored very closely and there are certain toys they just can't have.

As far as him not wanting to have you out of his sight, you are absolutely right. It is totally a mental thing from being away from you and in the hospital for sure. These guys love their routines and their humans.. Just recently after a hospital overnight for both of mine, they acted the same way. They both also refused water for weeks! I could only get it in them with their food and taking them for subq fluids. They were just traumatized. After a few weeks, all of a sudden they just walked over to the water bowl and started drinking..

They are the craziest of nuts and that is why we will go to the ends of the earth for them :heart:
I'm so glad he is on the other side of this!

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