baby litter of 7 need help

bulldog babys

New member
Nov 3, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
i have a litter of baby bulldogs atm, mom and dad are at home and the breeding was accidental, the babies are 4 weeks old and everything was going good up to last week, one of the babys bellys started to swell, i brought him to 3 vets and he had a 2 night stay in the hospital, they did xrays ultrasounds ect and could not find a cause of the issue, the also tried enemas and said there wasnt much poop in his intestines, his belly blew up like a hard rock, he went from diahrea to really hard poop and then just stopped pooping all together, he went a week in and out of the vets office until he passed away, they said he was full of gas, well now i have 2 others babys that are coming down with the same thing, i brought the little girl to the vet they charged me about 1400 for testing and couldnt rule out a problem and told me to keep
the babies away from the moms milk as a suspicion that there was somthing wrong with her milk, so ive separated them all from mom and i am now weening them with formula and baby food, the little girl is still not doing good, her belly is swelling and she tries to poop and cant. im close to 2 grand in testing and the vets are no help, im just here in desperation, im not sure if this could be caused by just gas, theyve all been wormed aswell, the sick ones have been wormed 3 times so far and it does not help. idk what to do any advise would be apreciated.
So sorry to hear this is happening to you and your puppies. I have no experience, but this is what comes to mind.
Did you have autopsy done to the first puppy who died? Has mom being regularly cleaning the puppies? They will not learn to defecate if mom (or you) helps them. there is medicine that is meant for hman babies for gas and you can give it puppies too.
thank you for the reply, no i didn't have an autopsy done, at the time he was the only one like this. and then the other 2 came down with it afterwards, and yeah the mom cleans them up ive also been using a damp warm cotton ball trying to stimulate them. ive purchased the infant gas x but have not used it yet as no vets have recommended it, im taking them and mom to the vet after work today to give it another try, maybe they can check mom and find somthing i have no idea, but i know the 2 babies need a fluid injection under the skin because they are getting dehydrated. ive been trying to use a syringe to give them water buts its just not effective enough as they throw up.
sorry i have to type one handed. i woul think of peritonitis-they have been checked. sounds like this is a puzzle. i also would think of twisted intestine-but i am sure it wouldn't happen to all. i would try stopping the solid food and just give the formula for now-you are feeding formula?.there are puppy bottles in pet stores. all drs checked them also try rubbing their bellies and parts with warm water wash cloth like licking so sorry.
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thank you for the reply, they did not mention peritonitis at all, they did ultrasounds for a twisted stomach ect and said they both looked good and the bloodwork looked good. they did say they seen a small buildup of fluid in the abdomen but did not suspect they were septic, i dont have the paperwork with me right now. i read about the peritonitis and it sounds about right, but they have yet to prescribe and antibiotic for them. i will try the wet wash cloth idea just to help the little guys out. anything at this point to make them more comfortable. they performed an enema on the one that passed away, when they tried that they said only a few small droppings came out of him and he was clear, so i almost feel like this little girl is trying to pass somthing thats not there. they did ultra sound her and say she was not constipated which makes me believe its a stomach issue at this time.
I have never heard of this before... with our pups we would encourage going to the bathroom by using a warm wash cloth to rub on them. Sounds IMO like a birth defect or an infection. Do you have time to get another opinion at this point?!!
I took the one sick girl to another vet last night, shes getting really dehydrated from not being able to eat so I wanted to get her fluids, the vet got all of my records from the other places ive been going to, she did put fluids under the skin and also gave her a injection for nausea in hopes that maybe she could hold food down, today she is not holding any food down and still vomiting. the vet did say that she suspected a birth defect but wouldn't be able to rule anything else out without a ct scan. the baby puppy has pretty bad asperated pneumonia at this point. ive been steaming the shower and putting her in a box in the bathroom and wiping her nose it seems to help alot but at this point shes just getting worse by the day.
That sounds like a blockage of some kind, not being able to eat or poop. When the food is not going forward at all comes vomit. Did you stop giving them solids?
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yeah, that's what they thought in the beginning. they did ultra sounds and told me she's completely empty. Her and the runt are back on moms milk. they weren't eating the formula and baby food mix, and I had to use bottle, syringe and try anything I could, the runt got super weak so I put them both back on mom and the runt is doing great. I brought milk in with me to the vet and she said the milk looked good. the vet also told me I should have them on mom for 2 more weeks, but I have 4 of them weened at this point and they are doing good, im getting a lot of mixed information and trying to listen to all of it and do whats right for these babys.
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does anybody recommend giving the babies colostrum powder mixed in formula?
i have a litter of baby bulldogs atm, mom and dad are at home and the breeding was accidental, the babies are 4 weeks old and everything was going good up to last week, one of the babys bellys started to swell, i brought him to 3 vets and he had a 2 night stay in the hospital, they did xrays ultrasounds ect and could not find a cause of the issue, the also tried enemas and said there wasnt much poop in his intestines, his belly blew up like a hard rock, he went from diahrea to really hard poop and then just stopped pooping all together, he went a week in and out of the vets office until he passed away, they said he was full of gas, well now i have 2 others babys that are coming down with the same thing, i brought the little girl to the vet they charged me about 1400 for testing and couldnt rule out a problem and told me to keep
the babies away from the moms milk as a suspicion that there was somthing wrong with her milk, so ive separated them all from mom and i am now weening them with formula and baby food, the little girl is still not doing good, her belly is swelling and she tries to poop and cant. im close to 2 grand in testing and the vets are no help, im just here in desperation, im not sure if this could be caused by just gas, theyve all been wormed aswell, the sick ones have been wormed 3 times so far and it does not help. idk what to do any advise would be apreciated.
That is so sad. I hope they can figure out the problem. I am so sorry!
its been a very heartbreaking process, she has been in the vet hospital for 4 days now and i just had to put her to sleep, they did alot of testing on her and have come down to a neurologic condition not allowing her intestines to work, shes at rest now the rest of the litter is ok and healthy. it was an accidental breeding and i never expected to go through this. i want to say thank you for everyone giving me their time and advice.

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