Dozer has been bad


Supreme Overlord of Awesomeness
Community Veteran
Dec 31, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
I just walked in to the living room to find that he had knocked my coveted milkshake off of the table ( i'm on a diet by the way and haven't had on in a MONTH!:*() sSomehow got the lid of and was happily licking away, not a drop on the floor. I took it and considered finishing it anyway lol (i know but it was soo good) and then remembered his new habit of eating cat litter so i threw it away . Freaking brat:angry:
yeah they are attracted to cat litter and Saban was actually trying to eat gigi's :poo:! :eek: I have no idea why....finally got him to stop!!! Totally GROSS!!!!!!!!
How did you get him to stop? Lucy does this, it drives me mad :crazy:
[MENTION=753]dozersmom[/MENTION]ma, I am like you I would have considered finishing it until the litter part, I had a basset hound years ago that at not just the litter but the :poo: too! It was totally gross. I did get a different litter box that had the hood attached and even that did not stop her. Finally my dad made a wooden box that had a hole big enough for my cat to get through and I sat the box on top of the litter box, problem solved, maybe if you know someone that can build an easy box? I just painted and stenciled my box and it looked better than the litter box!!
UCK!! I knew there was a GOOD reason why I don't have a cat! But, look at it this way, Dozer was just saving you from blowing your diet. Such a kind, considerate Bully....:lol:
Yeah, what is it with dogs and cat liter. When we had our cat, I caught Lola several times head 1st in the covered liter box eating away! Then she wants to come up and give me a kiss, ha no!
I'll admit that I have a bit of doggie germ phobia... Our Shih Tzu, Winnie, will rush to her Mom as soon as she gets home, and my wife allows her to lick all over her lips, then my wife proceeds to come over to give me a kiss. I'm all grooses out at this point, but I don't want to hurt my wife's feelings by not wanting to kiss her... so, what I'll do is wipe her mouth off first. I know it's not the most romantic thing to do, but it's my compromise. Now I'm a bit worried about when our BD arrives and the kisses get more slobbery... this thread gives me a great idea though, I'm gonna make up stories of the dogs getting into the litter box... I'm brilliant ;)
[MENTION=410]Telly03[/MENTION] I'm with you that would gross me out too.
I really do'nt care if it hurt my wifes feeling I'd make
her go wash her mouth off. YUCK!!!!
[MENTION=410]Telly03[/MENTION] awesome idea. I love Dozer but even if he didn't eat cat litter he isn't licking my mouth. I'm a germaphob I wount let me own kids kiss me on the mouth. I don't drink after them either lol.
I feel there aint nothin better than a super snuffly bully kiss, but if Lucy came neer me after a rummage through the cat litter pick n mix..:confused:...yuk noway :*(
I think kisses are repulsive by anything but a bulldog. given that they are the only pet. Butler can not physically lick his butthole or his penis. ergo, his mouf is clean!

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