Can't get on top of it!!!


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
OK.. this is two weeks of trying to get Vegas straightend out with his yeasty face. I took him to the vet, got anti-fungel-yeast shampoo, he is now on a grain free food, only gets fruits and veggies for treats, got an allergy shot. I wash his face EVERY night, use desitin. YET his face is still so red. Good thing his itching has decreased by 95%, bad thing is his face still stinks!! Any more suggestions????

P.S. No he is not dead, lol, this is after running like a wild man and he is wore out!! His face is not just red from playing it is always this red and just his white side, see how his eye is circled, snout, and his chin....
Everyone keeps talking about the vinegar and water mixture, have you tried that also? I am of no help, we have no yeast although Cutty has been pink lately and it is driving me nuts trying to make it go away also. No smell here tho and not rusty just pink so not yeast I dont think.
Well I am assuming it is yeast because his face...not his body stinks, even after I carefully wash it everynight. I don't think he would let me get near him with vinegar, it is bad enough with the desitin, we have to hold him down while I apply, then he spends the next 15 min. trying to rub it off!!
I have to give my Olde alavert daily or her half white face will be pink. I also noticed a few weeks ago she had yeast in her chin folds. So I cleaned it with applecider vinegar and water and then applied monistat 1 to it.The alavert keeps her from getting all red or itchy and the monistat and vinegar have worked wonders.
It has only been a couple of weeks- the dog food takes time. You probably notice a big change already- but the real results are from 3-4 weeks.

If you are having facial yeast issues call your vet and ask for quadritop ointment or similar, hopefully he will give you the script without an office visit. It helps wonders on fungus/yeast/bacteria. Make sure the cloth you are cleaning with is not wet, but damp with hot water- water can actually make more yeast.

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