
New member
Apr 10, 2019
Bulldog(s) Names
Kingston & Montego
Hey guys. We are new to the forum and I have a question for you. We have two English Bulldogs, Kingston (1) and Montego (16 weeks). Kingston has had allergies from the start. We have finally gotten him dialed in on a food that doesn't upset his GI tract and doesn't cause extreme shedding. For the last 6 months or so, he's been phlegmy all the time though. It doesn't get better or worse with food changes. He had soft palate surgery in November and, while that helped with his sleep apnea tremendously, it didn't help with the phlegm issue. We are assuming it is an environmental allergy issue at this point. He has been to the vet numerous times and on antibiotics/steroids a number of times as well. No pneumonia or bronchitis ever...just phlegmy and he's perfectly fine otherwise. Eating, drinking, peeing, pooping and playing normally. We are wondering if anyone has had this issue and had any luck with resolving it with any natural remedies or if allergy testing and shots are what we need to do? Please let me know your experiences with this and any advice you may have. Thanks!!


Active member
Jun 23, 2017
WA State
Bulldog(s) Names
Sophie & Chloe (Bella RIP 2019)
We've been dealing with this with Bella for a while now. At first, however, she had bronchitis. Antibiotics helped and she seemed a lot better, until she wasn't. She is phlegmy again and actually on a round for possible tonsillitis which the vet says has been happening lately due to allergies kicking in for many dogs. I unfortunately have no answers, we just deal with it best we can. :(


The New Casper
Staff member
May 15, 2013
Blips and Chitz
Bulldog(s) Names
Harlea 5/4/13 - 8/25/22
It could be allergies. My Harlea is the same being phlegmy more often than not. We give her a little squirt of lemon juice and it clears her up for a day or two.


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
Staff member
Community Veteran
Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
Yep.. lemon juice helps. My guys have it too.. Claritin helps Lambeau, but Benedryl works for Chelios

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New member
Apr 27, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Booger and Buffy
I have 2 bullies one has complicated allergies that she now takes drops for and sees a derm pretty regularly to keep them under control. My other doesn't have any known allergies and has been to the derm as well but has a history of being phlegmy during "allergy months" and has ended up with pneumonia about 4 times now. He also starts vomiting up the phlegm which we think causes aspiration. The problem is we also see a specialist at avets who is their internal medicine and she helps us roll out all rare diseases and conditions that could happen to them. We were just at avets again this am because he was vomiting phlegm and couldn't get it up it was so sticky. I had to reach in his mouth and scoop it out so he could breathe and his tongue was turning blue. We took him immediately to avets and they gave him anti nausea medicine and fluid injections. He's been sleeping mostly all day and seems to be doing better but still a little congested and coughing. We didn't do x-rays or get a wash because his immune system is of the issue. Since he has a history of chronic pneumonia with zero other symptoms in the past its hard to diagnose him without taking a risk and they can't keep throwing antibiotics at him because we have to wait till he really needs it. He's only 3. And was last taking medication in September of 2019 for aspiration again. I would just tread with caution with any phlegm issues. For an entire year we were told it was allergies and then we found out he did in fact have pneumonia even though they checked before. He then suffered scaring on his lungs and it absolutely wrecked his immune system.


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
Staff member
Community Veteran
Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
I have 2 bullies one has complicated allergies that she now takes drops for and sees a derm pretty regularly to keep them under control. My other doesn't have any known allergies and has been to the derm as well but has a history of being phlegmy during "allergy months" and has ended up with pneumonia about 4 times now. He also starts vomiting up the phlegm which we think causes aspiration. The problem is we also see a specialist at avets who is their internal medicine and she helps us roll out all rare diseases and conditions that could happen to them. We were just at avets again this am because he was vomiting phlegm and couldn't get it up it was so sticky. I had to reach in his mouth and scoop it out so he could breathe and his tongue was turning blue. We took him immediately to avets and they gave him anti nausea medicine and fluid injections. He's been sleeping mostly all day and seems to be doing better but still a little congested and coughing. We didn't do x-rays or get a wash because his immune system is of the issue. Since he has a history of chronic pneumonia with zero other symptoms in the past its hard to diagnose him without taking a risk and they can't keep throwing antibiotics at him because we have to wait till he really needs it. He's only 3. And was last taking medication in September of 2019 for aspiration again. I would just tread with caution with any phlegm issues. For an entire year we were told it was allergies and then we found out he did in fact have pneumonia even though they checked before. He then suffered scaring on his lungs and it absolutely wrecked his immune system.

so scary --- did they ever mention his soft palate and if it was too long? What are you using to build his immune system.. any probiotics?

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