Bulldog Bark


New member
May 7, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Descriptions of the English Bulldog breed say that they only bark for a good reason, would you say thats true for your bully? When Samson and my beagle play he will occassionally playfully bark back at her. Other than that he only barks when someone knocks at the door or he hears something odd in the backyard. At that time he uses his tough guy bark, it's very deep and he stands really straight up and stiff. It's very cute!
Yep, ours are the same way. Yuna and Jesse the most, they love to bark/play. Tidus, Mandy and Molly barely ever bark, unless they have a reason.
Cutty is mostly that way or was, before Mugsy the barker came into the picture and now Cutty is quicker to bark at dumb things. Ugh... you would think good habits would run off but No-ooo just the bad.
Chester rarely barks..and when he does, it's when he wants to play with our Shih Tzu or when my husband sits on the couch and reads the paper - which, spoiled dog that he is, makes my husband put it down and play with him. ;)
Horse has 2 barks, the first is when someone is at the door, its the "i'm gonna eat you" bark! even if he knows the person at the door, he barks like he would eat them, then i open the door and let him out and see what happens. if its a stranger, then it's up to them to prove to horse that he's welcome at our door haha! if its someone horse knows or a dog person, then horse will turn around and "welcome" them into the house. horse's other bark is the "pay attention to me" bark, it's almost like he's talking to me. i get this when i have to put horse in the other room when my friend and her baby daughter come over (horse just wants to play with her, but she's too little), so, i let him out of the room and keep him on leash just to be safe, and he just lays on the floor and tries to lick the baby when she crawls by!
I've noticed that Dexter will bark when he wants to go out to go to the bathroom.

I think this is true! Chelios && Faith only bark lightly when they're play fighting. When they hear something odd or feel threatened then they use their bigg bullie bark! Well not so much Faith since she's still a baby, but she surely tries! lol :p
Cadi barks once at any thing she does not know what the sound is.....they both bark when some one comes to the door....But Chesty.... he will come running to me when Cadi takes his toy away barking his low little bark as to be tattling....looking at her then at me as if to say ...she took my toy, tell her to give it back...lol
Vegas only barks if he's annoyed or trying to alert. I have a great video (you'd think I spent all day long with my camera on my dogs....) of Orion. (who barks because she thinks she can talk and will carry on a conversation with you using her bark) Orion discovers an intruder in our backyard and she is so freaked out, she starts barking her warning. Vegas decides to go and investigate

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Bear likes to antagonize our beagle. He play barks but hasn't started anything hostile. When he sees other people, dogs or animals like deer or rabbits in the yard, he's indifferent.

What a sweet bark.
Yep Winston is the same. He'll bark if he hears a noise somewhere and if he wants to play with you and he goes down into his play stance which is where the front part of the body goes down to the ground and he sticks his wiggle booty up in the air. He'll also bark if he suddenly sees something out of place in the house. If I happen to put a box on the countertop, he'll stand there and bark at it as if to say, mummy that's not meant to be there and I don't recognise it! It's hilarious.

To be honest, if he were to bark in the middle of the night, I'd be scared because he only barks for a reason, so I'd know something was up and he must've heard something.
Peaches only barks when my husband puts his tshirt up over his nose then she gets a treat and the puppies are starting to bark at their mom when they want to play with her and they are ony 4 weeks old it really is funny to watch them lol

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