Benedryl for vaccinations


New member
Jan 10, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Hailey Sue
Hailey has her next round of vaccinations tomorrow (she's 10 weeks). My vet recommended giving her children's benedryl before her appointment and 4 hours after her appointment in case she has an allergic reaction.

Has anyone else done this in the past?
I have never done it. But there was a thread
on here about it. And other have done this in a
proactive attempt to control any issues.

Also there was a suggestion to have it done
earlier in the day in case there was a reaction.
That way the vet will still be open and you don't
have to look for an emergency care clinic.
Yes, I have done this with Truman when he was a puppy. I didn't give him Benadryl but the vet gave him a Benadryl injection before his vaccines, which was about $10, so it sounds like your vet is trying to save you some money. It's administered to stave off any potential reactions and, in the case of bulldogs, better safe than sorry - particularly since they have SO many allergies. It might make your puppy drowsy but Truman was just fine.
I haven't done this with my Bully girls, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea. I think it's like when a baby gets it's baby vaccinations and you give tylonol just in case they get feverish after the shots. I don't think it'll hurt her.
I never did it with Silva but think it sounds like a good idea. My Vet never recommends much, and when I go I have never seen the same Vet once. I am actively looking for a new Vet.
no i havent done that with lex but does sound like the vet is trying to avoid any allergic reactions to happen after his shots.. it sure does make sense though :up:
I think it sounds like a good game plan. Is your appt. early?
We had to pre-medicate our baby with oral benadryl. She had a reaction with the first shot and it caused vomiting and diarrhea. It worked very well and it can prevent problems. Benadryl is something we always keep on had and it can be a lifesaver.
We did have an early a ppt and I did premedicate hailey.... She was totally fine :-) I love our vet! She's so helpful and you can tell she adores bullies!
Glad it worked out for you! Belly had her second round of shots the other week and had an allergic reaction. Her face swelled up and got all red. Unfortunately she didn't show any signs until AFTER the vet closed so it was off to the emergency vet and $165 later she was fine . She goes again on the 4th and they are going to give her a shot of benadryl and possibly a steroid (and we got an earlier appointment)
All of my dogs have had allergic reactions to their shots over the past two years. I actually have 4 dogs. I have 2 Lhasa Apsa's and 2 English Bully's. It started two years ago with my Lhasa "Tashi" she got her 5 in 1 shot and then about 5 or 6 hours later her face was swollen and she was bright red (which was hard to see with her black face) but she was definately having a reaction. I called the vet who was still there and they said well she shouldn't be having one after this long after the shot, and they told me to give her a children's dose of benedryl. Sure enough it has happened a few months ago with both of my bully's as well. Not as severe as Tashi but definately swollen face wrinkles hours later after the shot. I definately recomend the benedryl. I give the bully's the clear benedryl tabs. My vet says that dogs have a high tolerance for benedryl so for the bully's they can get 2 if they have any issues here in Florida. Remmy is highly allergic to the world. She gets a skin rash swelling disorder every summer. She ends up getting the hydrocortizone shots, pills, and gets the prednisone when at last resort with it.
I definately think something has changed with vaccines because my Lhasas are 5 and 6 years old and they never had an issue before Tashi's two years ago and now it seems to happen with every dog every year with their shots.

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