Bella skin problem


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Austin Tx
Bulldog(s) Names
Bella and Cali
Bella is at the vet this morning
Her skin still has problems


So thi is what the vet said is causing it
Inhalant allergies
With secondary bacteria infection
All the inflammation is causing bacteria
Not mites or mange. They scraped the skin to find out

Texas is not a good place for our little babies

What can we do for this day to day
We gave them benadryl daily but it wasn't helping
Poor Bella.

Did the vet suggest putting Bella on a allergy medication or at least something to get the inflammation under control? I assume she's on a antibiotic to get infection under control as well?

I would think about what Bella is eating, what she is eating out of, where she is playing, etc and try to eliminate as many allergens as possible. For example, if she's not eating grain free food or if she's eating food with poultry in it, those are two things bulldogs are commonly allergic to. Also, if she's not eating out of steel bowls, you might think of changing that. Using fragrance and dye free detergents to wash her bedding, keeping her from laying on grass are other ways to see if you can get to the root of what's bothering her.

I have not personally done it but I know others have had their bullies allergy tested to see what exactly is bothering them. I understand this can be costly however, if the allergies are severe, it might be worth it.
This is there food,
Yes they have steel bowls and drink bottled water
Also they have dye and fragrance free detergent

Austin is just bad on molds and cedar :(
We did not even consider allergies when getting our bullies

Haley will be getting hepa air purifiers for the house today
They just love it outside

So they gave her a steroid and cephalexin shot
This is a second round which didn't help from the first time
I've been researching allergies
I'd lime to start with the environment and grass
Then move forward with a food adjustment

I just don't want a compounded problem
Poor Bella. We struggle with allergies here too. Lucy is allergic to dust and mold. We had her tested but in the spring, summer months (we live in the northeast) her allergies start to flare. Sheshistory mentioned a lot that we do around here. I also steer clear or stuff like carpet fresh, I steam my wood floors and tile floors instead of using chemicals. I also keep her bedding very clean by washing in every few days in a dye free detergent. All of this effort seems to help. I was always a clean freak but the air purifiers and frequent vacuuming helps too. Lucy is also on NB LID too. We have identified what she is allergic too food wise--but environmental/inhaled is the tough one. She also failed allergy shots. Hey, is she taking fish oil or omega 3? That is also a natural anti -inflammatory. Something to think about if you are not using it already.

Lucy never really responded to Benedryl either. She has been taking hydroxyzine twice a day for over a year now and it really seems to be helping. We also wipe and dry her feet and belly when she comes in from outside. I know it isn't good to over bathe a dog but sometimes when she has been out in the grass a lot that day we put her in the bath tub just to rinse her feet and belly. Again--the effort seems to help a bit.

Knock on wood--she has been pretty good so far this year. Good luck to Bella and you!
I used to use that but switched when she kept scratching herself and got tear stains. I switched her to Natural Balance Vegetarian and it made all the difference in the world and in a matter of 2 weeks I started to see a huge difference. Good luck.
I would also think her immune system was seriously compromised when she was so sick. She needs to build up her system again.

Try adding probiotics to her diet- and give her salmon oil too, which is excellent for the skin. Also ask your vet if hydroxizine is an option. Also perhaps she is allergic to the food, or it is not helping her build up her immune system. Low immune system- worse allergies.
hi im new here ,read your post,my annie had 3 weeks of constant itching,redness,so i purchased a cream calleddermacton,within 3 days of applying the cream all the scratching has stopped shes no longer inflamed on her tummy and pits,even new hair growth in her pits,i know it doesnt solve the allergy,annies allergy i put down to her first season,the cream is fantastic and elleviates the itch,you can buy it at,its made out of natural ingredients so no chemicals,karen

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