Anyone used shed defender ? Thoughts


New member
Oct 11, 2017
Houston TX
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Back again.... Good evening to all.

BY any chance has anyone used the Shed defender before. Ive thought about it before but then again being from Houston it get hot so I ruled it out. Id like to be able to take my girl Puma in all the cars at the house; Shedding rules her our on some fun trips/cruises.

It was featured on shark tank and has great reviews. Wanted to see if anyone here gave it a go before
Back again.... Good evening to all.

BY any chance has anyone used the Shed defender before. Ive thought about it before but then again being from Houston it get hot so I ruled it out. Id like to be able to take my girl Puma in all the cars at the house; Shedding rules her our on some fun trips/cruises.

It was featured on shark tank and has great reviews. Wanted to see if anyone here gave it a go before

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh no! Pjs for dogs. :facepalm2:

Dogs will shed no matter what. Thereā€™s no miracle tricks to stop shedding completely unless you get a dog that has a fur n not a hair....If you give them a good bath n use the Kong zoom brush which I found out on here, your dog will shed less. Great brush.
I buy only cars with leather seats, because of dog. And there are different protections for car seats against dogs hair. I strongly believe that dressing dogs in clothes for long periods of time is very unpleasant for them, because clothes sits on their hair, moving hair in different directions and providing strange sensations. If you look at the dog when you put at them a rain coat or some Christmas or Halloween clothes to make a photo, you will notice they walk awkward and clumsy,
Itā€™s because their feeling of the body changes.
I am a kinaesthetic myself (that means that skin and muscle sensations are very important for me) and I can relate to this feeling, I think that these dog PJ is a creation from hell for poor animals.
Imagine, as a gentleman with some hair on your legs, wearing stockings?!
Yup, leather seats and I buy cheap bath rugs that are easy to wash to put on the floor of my car, (Walmart is your friend). Once that hair sticks into regular car mats, it's almost impossible to get out! You can also get very reasonable car seat covers if you have cloth seats.
Being in Houston too, I agree about it being way too hot for any type of clothing, especially as Bulldogs are so susceptible to overheating.
When I bought my SUV, 200% I had my GS in mind. Brushed every single day and still hair was come out of him. Leather was the number one ā€œmustā€ on my list. And he was only allowed to travel in the back. I even put a rubbery blanket going up the back seats so his hair doesnā€™t seep through the seats.

We have had seat covers in all our cars and there is NO WAY we could have Dudley wearing one of those in the car, he is always warm and is just cold enough if we have the air conditioning cranked up and me and his mum sat with our coats on in the car :D
Feed raw and brush with zoom groom and it lessens shedding ... my two would hate being in clothesā€”- they refuse to move when I put something on them

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Feed raw and brush with zoom groom and it lessens shedding ... my two would hate being in clothesā€”- they refuse to move when I put something on them
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Yup, when theyā€™re dressed up on them special days, they donā€™t even blink lol
We have had seat covers in all our cars and there is NO WAY we could have Dudley wearing one of those in the car, he is always warm and is just cold enough if we have the air conditioning cranked up and me and his mum sat with our coats on in the car :D

Ahhaha, I recognise you fellow bulldog owner - while bullie in the rear seat enjoys the cool breeze, mom and dad in the front seat hardly can drive with frozen hands and frozen snivels hang from their noses:D
Ahhaha, I recognise you fellow bulldog owner - while bullie in the rear seat enjoys the cool breeze, mom and dad in the front seat hardly can drive with frozen hands and frozen snivels hang from their noses:D

:D every time!
Always thought about going raw that was the original plan but my Girlfriend being vegetarian (since birth :no:) was skeptical if im not available to feed she wouldn't but now thanks to shedding she's considering it. Ive only fed Fromm (and royal canin when I originally got her from breeder). I use zoom groom every other day but when brushing the hairs never stop so I stop lol.
Always thought about going raw that was the original plan but my Girlfriend being vegetarian (since birth :no:) was skeptical if im not available to feed she wouldn't but now thanks to shedding she's considering it. Ive only fed Fromm (and royal canin when I originally got her from breeder). I use zoom groom every other day but when brushing the hairs never stop so I stop lol.

Iā€™ve been a vegetarian since birth and I feed raw!! I buy the commercial frozen raw patties so nothing looks like animal parts. It really isnā€™t a big deal to me at all!

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Always thought about going raw that was the original plan but my Girlfriend being vegetarian (since birth :no:) was skeptical if im not available to feed she wouldn't but now thanks to shedding she's considering it. Ive only fed Fromm (and royal canin when I originally got her from breeder). I use zoom groom every other day but when brushing the hairs never stop so I stop lol.

Nyala n Duke both eat raw. Nyalaā€™s barely loses fur. On the other hand Duke loses wayyy more. Alberta is very dry n what works on him is I use fractionated coconut oil, add a bit of lavender oil n mist his fur n massage in. But you really need to brush every day a good 5 minutes. And you need a good Dyson lol.

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