Advise on my dog licking at the air


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Jun 28, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
My dog has been licking at the air or it seems like it for a couple of days. It's off and on but keeping her awake. I looked at her nose and mouth and couldn't find anything wrong. She's been really skittish lately too. Usually she follows me everywhere or I can pick her up and move her but lately she has been jumping when I get close. She hasn't ever had any real medical issues but she does chew up everything. More so lately but I thought it was due to me being gone during the day this past month. I have a vet appointment on the 8th but wondering if anyone had a similar issue.

Thank you

I have a video of her doing it but I'm not sure how to post it
My first thoughts are allergies - curly does this from time to time when his nose is itchy/running from allergies. Some Benadryl should do the trick

The other thing I think of is flying biting which is a neurological disorder, but she would bite at the air too as if she was trying to get a fly. Curly has that too. We just give him a piece of cheese and he snaps out of it.

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Welcome to EBN [MENTION=14424]Kaldhalaan[/MENTION]:) Glad to hear Clementine has stayed healthy so far. How old is she?

My Boeboe used to do that a couple of years back, in her case I think it was low blood sugar. If we gave her a treat when she did it she usually stopped. She's never liked eating early in the morning but nowadays I give her something extra nice in her food so she will eat at least a little in the morning and she hasn't licked the air since then... BUT she started again two days ago:fie: This time I think she's itchy cos I've seen her sit on her *** and spin in a circle a couple of times. We were low on coconut oil this week so I skipped two days and I'm thinking maybe that's why:unsure: Her skin looks amazing since we started with coconut oil and all the skin issues she used to have is gone.

When at the vet ask them to check for Entropion or other eye lashes related issues, that can also make them do strange things like licking the air.

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I'm throwing this out there because I recently read about a dog licking the air when their anal glands were full. They were uncomfortable. You can ask your vet to check at your appointment.
Welcome to EBN.

I'm throwing this out there because I recently read about a dog licking the air when their anal glands were full. They were uncomfortable. You can ask your vet to check at your appointment.

That can very well be it since it was mentioned that she's been skittish lately...
I too have heard it could be anal gland related, or even a possible itch by their bum, that they can't reach.
My dog has been licking at the air or it seems like it for a couple of days. It's off and on but keeping her awake. I looked at her nose and mouth and couldn't find anything wrong. She's been really skittish lately too. Usually she follows me everywhere or I can pick her up and move her but lately she has been jumping when I get close. She hasn't ever had any real medical issues but she does chew up everything. More so lately but I thought it was due to me being gone during the day this past month. I have a vet appointment on the 8th but wondering if anyone had a similar issue.

Thank you

I have a video of her doing it but I'm not sure how to post it

For the video --- you have to load to Youtube then post the link here.

But, I agree, have her anal glands checked and also check her tail pocket to make sure it is clean (if she ha one)

:welcome3: to EBN
Yes, one day Maude was sitting, and licking and licking the air. Of course right away I thought,oh no,petit mal seizure.(have had seizure dogs...) It turned out to be itches on her butt and between her legs that she could not reach.
I'll throw one more possibility in could also be heart burn. Try Pepcid half an hour after meals and before bed time....
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~ Brian

My dog has been licking at the air or it seems like it for a couple of days. It's off and on but keeping her awake. I looked at her nose and mouth and couldn't find anything wrong. She's been really skittish lately too. Usually she follows me everywhere or I can pick her up and move her but lately she has been jumping when I get close. She hasn't ever had any real medical issues but she does chew up everything. More so lately but I thought it was due to me being gone during the day this past month. I have a vet appointment on the 8th but wondering if anyone had a similar issue.

Thank you

I have a video of her doing it but I'm not sure how to post it

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