
Nov 20, 2015
Hempstead, Texas
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi my Broly 10 weeks old happen to swallow a piece of a raw hide treat, maybe a strip of 2 1/2 inches to 3 inches, not sure it got all soft after he chewed it all up. It was one of those that are rolled up like a pencil for small dogs, our friend got it for him. I was suppose to watch him and i thought i was but once he chewed it all up to where it was really soft he swallowed it. Everything was fine, just the next day he had diarrhea and was feeling really bad like and upset stomach, he even had a light green stool first thing in the morning. He didn't want to play or anything throughout the day, around 5pm he was back to his normal self but still had the diarrhea and we did see pieces of the rawhide on his stools so i thought it was over. I decided would give it until the next morning before taking him to the vet. The next day he was fine stools were firm as normal and he was back to his normal self, but today again he has serious diarrhea and feeling bad no light green stools though. Is this his tummy slowly digesting the raw hide still or his digestive system still trying to get rid of all the raw hide ? or should i just take him to the vet? Will his digestive system fix it on its own? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
Raw hides don't really get digested. The pieces just stay a congealed glob of gunk in their guts that can cause blockages and from the symptoms you describe it is a possibility. Personally I would get him checked by a vet, but the only way to make sure either way would be with a barium xrays as it most likely won't show up on a normal xray and could also be missed with an ultrasound.

I know this is a scary experience but now you know that bullies or any dog for that matter should not have rawhides even if you are watching them as they are choking and blockage hazards as well as these buggers are quick to swallow things in the blink of an eye.
I agree with Todd. Stay clear away from rawhides. They are very dangerous.

I'd keep a close eye on him. Give him some plain canned pumpkin... To help coat his belly & hopefully help pass what's left. Inspect his poop as well, and check for any sign of blood or pieces of the hide. Check his gums and make sure they are a nice pink color... If you don't see improvement by tomorrow or his gums get pale, or he starts being really lethargic or starts drooling - I would take him in right away. [MENTION=15100]michaelsbroly[/MENTION]

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I hope it passes! Let us know how you make out. Antlers are a great alternative they're a bit more pricy initially but they last for months and can keep your bully happy for hours at a time
Raw hides don't really get digested. The pieces just stay a congealed glob of gunk in their guts that can cause blockages and from the symptoms you describe it is a possibility. Personally I would get him checked by a vet, but the only way to make sure either way would be with a barium xrays as it most likely won't show up on a normal xray and could also be missed with an ultrasound.

I know this is a scary experience but now you know that bullies or any dog for that matter should not have rawhides even if you are watching them as they are choking and blockage hazards as well as these buggers are quick to swallow things in the blink of an eye.

totally agree.... have him checked
I would get him to a vet and have an xray of his tummy. Bulldogs tend to crash fast when something is wrong and if he has a blockage, it could go bad fast. I don't want to panic you, but just know what you could be dealing with. Rawhide is so bad for any dog, our boys love to chew so we give them kong toys and large nylabones only.
[MENTION=15100]michaelsbroly[/MENTION] Hope Broly gets well soon! These raw hides chews are very scary as they get so slippery. Castor has almost choked on a raw hide bone and also on a pig's ear, so we avoid them now.
Take him to a vet. In the meantime, give him 1/2 tsp of any edible oil (olive/sunflower/coconut) to help ease the passage.
Pumpkin is also good.

10 weeks is too early for raw hide. I started mine on such treats only when she was 6 months of age.
I rarely give them now as I feed a raw diet.

[MENTION=15100]michaelsbroly[/MENTION] - How is he this morning?
Thank you evryone for the helpfull advice! This morning he is doing much better, his Stoll was not as runny this morning and his energy level is back up. I'm just worried that tomorrow he will be back to being sick. Should hold off on feeding him his normal amount to let his stomach settle?

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Thank you evryone for the helpfull advice! This morning he is doing much better, his Stoll was not as runny this morning and his energy level is back up. I'm just worried that tomorrow he will be back to being sick. Should hold off on feeding him his normal amount to let his stomach settle?

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Did you get any pumpkin or have any on hand? Or coconut oil? You can feed him his food, but add that in to help.
Make it soft food.
Or Soak kibble it in warm water and mush it.

You can give 1/2 tsp of olive oil if you don't have coconut oil; just don't give corn oil

Oh I forgot.
Watered down greek yogurt if it is his first time tasting it.
if he has had yogurt before give him a 2 tbsp

Don't skip 2-3 meals in a row. He is still a puppy. Skipping/delaying one meal is fine.
Another recipe I have for my EB when she has an upset tummy.
Canine version of Jewish Penecillin
Chicken breast about 50 gm, 1/2 carrot fine chopped. Slow boil for 20 mins; cool and serve
For the pumpkin what kind? I've given him some before but it just made his stool runnier. Had no luck with it. Would Greek yougert be as good as pumpkin? If so which one plain?

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