
EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
Staff member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee
Bulldog(s) Names
Willow (2015) Walter (2014-22) Winston (2012-13) Wellie (2012-13) Bella (2007-13)
Hey guys,

First of all, I'm sorry that I have been MIA for weeks... we are FINALLY down to the end of dealing w/my MIL affairs. It literally took us months to clean our her house, we filled an entire dumpster. We are NOW down to pulling up carpet, padding and painting which I think at this point we are going to hire someone. We are both mentally and physically exhausted. I have also been making an effort to spend time w/my family... quality time.

In the meantime, of course life rolls on... and we forgot to get Willow spayed, and she went into heat AGAIN so now it's been 3 months. Tomorrow is the day... her spay is scheduled, NO backing out this time. As many of you know, I don't have a great track record w/my bullies and surgeries... Willow has already had cherry eye, nares and palette surgery done and came thru w/flying colors. I'm asking for prayers, good vibes, light a candle... whatever I would truly appreciate it. I trust my vet completely, and I know she will be in good hands... I just know I will be a nervous wreck tomorrow. I already told my vet to plan on her staying w/her overnight so I don't freak out and have to drive to Nashville... Ugh!!!

I appreciate ALL of you very much, and I hope that everyone & their babies are doing well. I'm hoping to be on here more often, now that my schedule is getting easier to handle. I have missed everyone!!! :heartsign:
HUGS sweetie! We have missed you so much.... sending tons of love, prayers, positive thoughts and love, did I mention love?? to you all.
I have missed YOU all so much too... Ugh... life SUCKS sometimes!!! :yell:
Good luck to you and Willow! I am sure she is in great hands. Sending positive thoughts your way.
Good Luck Willow!!!
You too, Tracey...

keep us posted please
THANK you everybody... the vet JUST picked her up, and she is going to keep her overnight. Not because she needs to, but because my vet KNOWS me well... LMAO!!! I'd be a damn basket case w/her tonight.

I will keep you all updated...
THANK you everybody... the vet JUST picked her up, and she is going to keep her overnight. Not because she needs to, but because my vet KNOWS me well... LMAO!!! I'd be a damn basket case w/her tonight.

I will keep you all updated...


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The vet sent me a text a little bit ago... Willow is out of surgery, and just waking up. So far she's doing great!!!
GOOD news!! Hurray!!:heart::happydance: [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION]
so glad I got in on this late and know she is doing well :) Continued healing for all ;) Prayers too :)
Willow spent the night at the vets house... she had let us face time w/her and she was trying to climb ALL over her!!! She is headed home this morning, and I'm sure it's going to be a struggle to keep her "quiet" for the next 10 days. Marcus is coming this weekend for the rest of JUNE, so between the two of them I will most definitely have my hands full :faint:
SO HAPPY to hear that Willow is doing well!! Oh boy you WILL have your hands full......good luck :)

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