
  1. L

    Hello! Here for palette and nare info.

    Hello! I have joined your forum because I am desperate for information. I need to locate a veterinary surgeon that is skilled at nare and soft palette surgery. I actually own a French Bulldog and she is having a lot of trouble breathing in air through her nose, she also gags and throws up food...
  2. mer55

    Puppy congestion Jackson

    Good morning everyone! Some puppy issues with Jackson - he is going for his first vet check today and I need some advice. From the day we first met Jackson, when he was 5 weeks old,he had this sort of congested sound. It sounded like mucus in his throat. Breeder assured us he drinks too fast and...
  3. Cbrugs

    AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! ~Hamilton~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Ohio

    Intake Date: 6-7-18 Last Update: 10/04/18 Date Available: 10-5-18 Accepting Applications until: Age: 3 years old DOB: Gender: male Weight: 42 lbs Energy Level: Medium/High Color & Markings: tri color with a blue tint to my ears and neck region Good with other dogs: Yes!!! Good with cats...
  4. ddnene

    Willow is getting spayed tomorrow...

    Hey guys, First of all, I'm sorry that I have been MIA for weeks... we are FINALLY down to the end of dealing w/my MIL affairs. It literally took us months to clean our her house, we filled an entire dumpster. We are NOW down to pulling up carpet, padding and painting which I think at this...
  5. MamaAndi

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Ella~English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Kansas

    Hi, my name is Ella.I came into KCEBR after my owners decided I was too much woman for them to handle. I'm simply a woman who knows what she wants, and what I don't want, and since we don't speak the same language I let them know by snapping at them. I have not ever bitten anyone, I just give a...
  6. Andy T

    entropion surgery

    Think it is getting time for pebbles to have entropion surgery. I'll take her back to the vet next week but he has already told me it is coming. This is Brittmore vet which is listed a Bulldog vet & there are usually 2-6 bulldogs in the waiting room when I go. My question: Vet stated that...
  7. LoveBug

    Do Nare issues = Palate issues?

    Just a general question: Do dogs with stenotic nares always also have elongated soft palates? Bug has both and we're wondering for the future if we decide to get another EB. Many of the photos of the puppies I have seen advertised through the AKC website look to have stenotic nares (in my...
  8. LoveBug

    General Question Pneumonia recovery question

    This is Bug She is on her second round of antibiotics for pneumonia (first diagnosis 2/27/18 - second 3/20/18) and yesterday morning and this morning she seems really phlegmy. However, she is very active, has a great appetite and her gums have good color - so my question: Is it normal during...
  9. L

    Recurrence of cherry eye after repair

    I'm after opinions please on cherry eye, cherry eye repairs and recurrence of the prolapse after repair please! Jasper had his cherry eye repaired when we adopted him, about 5 months max. His eye wasn't perfect and he still had a saggier eyelid and more visible pink 'membrane' (eyelid?) in that...
  10. L

    Hello from the UK!

    Hi all! Found this forum through a random Google search and it made me laugh so much - completely identify with every single problem and behaviour thread I have read yet! Introducing our 5.5 month EB puppy, Jasper. He came to us from the Dogs Trust here in the UK as him and his littermates...
  11. asherose

    Long story long...complete with questions!

    Hey guys! I've been MIA for a, life...and Sgt! This is going to be a long one... So, my poor Sergeant had surgery on Thursday. A few months ago, we were out for a walk and his breathing really started to concern us. We essentially carried him home and took him to the vet the next...
  12. U

    Anyone with experience in soft-palate corrective surgery?

    Hello to all. I'm new here and kind of looking for some answers and some support from those who have experience. My male recently underwent corrective surgery for his elongated soft-palate, closed nares, and removal of little 'sack like things' in the airway. He was suffering from some...
  13. SouthernBred

    Breathing Issues

    Hi all So I am reaching out to this knowledgeable site to hope to hear on hand experiences with breathing issues. So to fill everyone in my boy Sirius is 15 months has had his nares, soft palate, and recently the sacialles done. he had the nares and palate done a 8 months old and everything...
  14. Hankster

    speaking of food, AND palat sugury

    Looks like it's 'our' turn.. Hank gets his palate, nares, and entropien (sp) surgery on March 2nd. Thank God I have been referred to the greatest vet and that he knows and loves Hank already, I have good feelings it will all go well... so, I'm sure i'll be asking more, but, what did you use to...
  15. D

    Breeder expectation and responsibilities

    Hi there, we have a (almost) 2 year old EB. We got him from what we believed to be a reputable breeder. ( won't name names as of yet). Unfortunately our poor boy has had a multidue of health issues in his short little life. Numerous skin issues/infections, prolapsed urethra x3 (surgically...
  16. U

    Scared to death about Uga's soft palate surgery.

    Uga has surgery on her cherry eye & her soft palate in 2 days. She did great when she was spayed & had her nares done, but I'm so worried about her throat swelling after surgery! Any suggestions how I can make recovery as easy as possible for her? Small ice chips? Puree her food?
  17. B

    English Bulldog Spraying snot. Every 3 minutes.

    I know english bulldogs have allergies. I don't know if this is from that though. He didn't do this when we lived in Miami where the air was very moist. Now we're in southern california and its very dry. The outside of his nose is always bone dry. When you're in a very dry environment...
  18. ddnene

    I could use some prayers...

    Ms. Willow will be having her cherry eye surgery in the morning as well as nares and checking for elongated pallet... I could use some prayers, although I have every confidence in my vet. She needs to be spayed, but this is a relatively light surgery and I honestly want to see how she handles...
  19. ddnene

    Wally at IT again...

    I've been sick all week, so this weekend I was trying to get the pups back on a schedule of the daily walk since it's been so nice outside. I noticed that Wally was walking funny... sure enough an interdigital cyst is going on. I tried to put some meds on it, and take a good look and he wasn't...
  20. KimDe

    How did you decide to opt for nare and soft palate surgery?

    Vet checkup today. Fezzik is doing great; although he has lost some weight this summer. It was probably due to the stress of vacation but we will be increasing his food amount now that we are home and watch his weight. The vet did say that he could be a candidate for nare surgery because of his...
  21. Opie CHL

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Rory~ English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Indiana~

    Rory is Adoption Ready Intake type: Owner Surrender Intake date: 04/30/2016 Age: 5 years Gender: Female Weight: 27 lbs Energy level: High Good with other dogs: Yes Good with cats: Unknown Good with kids: Yes Object aggression: None Special needs: None noted Medications: Benadryl Crate trained...
  22. Pennyblossom

    Did anyone have the surgery and have it not work?

    Bristol had her palate and nares done almost a month ago and we haven't noticed a difference. She still pants constantly. We haven't noticed any difference. She caught aspiration pneumonia and spent a week in th O2 cage. She is still on meds and has a recheck Tuesday but I am frustrated that...
  23. Pennyblossom

    What is the sz of your EB- not wieght but measurements

    So Penny was a rescue; she is big but doesn't look like an OEB. The vets say nope she is just a big English bulldog. I don't think we noticed how big until we got Bristol and she didn't grow to the size we expected. The vets took blood test when we first had her evaluated for the soft palate...
  24. B

    General Question Health insurance

    Hello I am an on again off again member for a live a fairly busy life but when I was thinking about getting an EBD I called a few local vets to ask about the medical problems associated with EBDs. Well one vet told me if you want to get an ebd I would suggest obtaining health insurance and my...
  25. ddnene

    Walter's surgery is in the morning...

    Walter's hip x-ray and neuter is scheduled for tomorrow morning… I took him to the groomer's today so he could get cleaned up beforehand, and Ms. Penni told me that he growled at her when she was washing his stomach. He has NEVER done that before :( Today he was SO crazy, barking at the TV...
  26. Pennyblossom

    Bristol is back in the ER

    She had her soft palate and nares done Wednesday. Since she had a small cough and regurgitated once instead of her coming home Thursday they kept her until yesterday. They took an X-ray and didn't see pneumonia and scheduled a recheck for Monday. We brought her home yesterday armed with many...
  27. Pennyblossom

    Bristols surgery is today!!

    I am a wreck. I dropped her off at 7am. I had her pre-op appointment yesterday where the surgeon once again went over the nares surgery and and the soft palette resection. She said she would come home with anti nausea drugs and they would monitor whether she would need steroids but no barking...
  28. D

    Post-op complications after Beefs soft palate surgery..

    So these past 24 hours have been the worst of my life. Beefs soft palate surgery, nares widening and neuter was Wednesday morning. We took beef home Thursday around 4pm. He was doing a lot of gaging/retching and threw up a few piles of white phlegm/foam. Everything seemed fine and we all went to...
  29. D

    Soft palate surgery tomorrow...

    Beef is going for his soft palate surgery tomorrow (with possible removal of any saccules and widening the nares) and neuter... I'm sick to my stomach about it but I know it will be the best for him in the long run. I Could really use some prayers for a safe surgery, I'm so nervous :(
  30. Pennyblossom

    Just heard back from the surgeon advice needed

    Bristol went in for her surgical evaluation today-Brachycephalic Syndrome. They said she does need to have her nares opened and her soft pallet shortened. They said it was one of the longest they have seen and went into her airway, they said her saccules are soft and don't need to be removed...
  31. Pennyblossom

    New here mama of two with lots of questions

    Hi I am new here -4 years ago we got our first Bullie from a rescue. No one could age her as she had worn her teeth down to nubs but the best guess was she was 3 or 4 at the time. So now 7 or 8. She has been such an amazing addition to our family. Behavior wise a super star and health wise so...
  32. D

    seriously stressed out.. soft palate surgery

    Hi guys, so we met with a different vet for a second opinion regarding beefs breathing and like i could've guessed he highly suggests the elongated soft palate surgery, nares widening, and (if necessary when he gets in there) removing saccules. I also would like him neutered if he needs all this...
  33. Opie CHL

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Griffin~ English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Florida~

    In November Griffin had a consult with dr Sardinas, board certified surgeon, at Miami Veterinary Specialists this morning. We are looking at a definite need for palate and nares surgery. His left ear is probably going to need an ear ablation surgery; it's so stenotic that it is unlikely it will...
  34. Corine Pesantes

    The babies turned 6 months old on Sunday!!!

    Omg! I've survived probably the hardest 3 months of my life since having newborn babies!!! LMBO!!! Seriously though- things are definitely getting much easier. Next week Penny goes in to get spayed and her nares opened up as well. By looks of Lockjaw, we will be adding surgery for his cherry eye...
  35. D

    Respiratory Problems in Bulldogs

    This thread is courtesy of @harveyspecter Respiratory Problems in Bulldogs Bulldog Respiratory & Breathing: Bulldog health problems such as respiratory (upper and lower airway) conditions are very common due to inbreeding of those "cute", flat face bully features. If you've ever had...
  36. ddnene

    Prayer request… Wally's second eye surgery is tomorrow!!!

    Walter's second round of eye surgery is scheduled for tomorrow… Ray is home, so we decided to go ahead and get it over with. It's important to do this a second time to remove any lashes that have grown back, and the vet saw a couple at his last re-check. While he is under she will also check...
  37. bengardradar

    not even sure what the title should be

    I am sitting here in shock and could cry at any moment. So Radar had his 2nd ACL surgery 2 weeks ago, I took him to the vet for an x-ray to see how things were going cause he doesn't seem to be healing as fast as the first time -- thought that may happen since it was time 2 -- went to pick him...
  38. ddnene

    Wally's back to his ol' self again...

    Today Walter is officially off his restricted activity… it was really cool here this morning so I took him for a short walk in the hood. He did fantastic… I can tell a HUGE difference in his breathing since having his nares and palate done. None of the gasping for air that seemed to follow...
  39. ddnene

    Walter's surgery is scheduled for Tues...

    It's time… Ugh!!! :( Walter is due for his vaccines this month, and Ray may be leaving again soon for another job so I can't put it off any longer. Walter's eye ulcer looks to be getting worse, so it's time to do his surgery. He will have his inner eyelashes removed, and his nares widened by...
  40. bengardradar

    What do we need???

    It's official on May 11 Radar is having his nares, palate and acl fixed. I got a preapproval from Trupanion for all of it, so that part is out of the way. My husband is building Radar a carpeted ramp to use on the stairs to get outside, I have our hotel room booked for the night he has to stay...