Veterinarian Accused of covering up Dog Fighting

Oh my! I cant or wouldnt have ever thought of a vet as being so sick and inhumane as that, wow!!!! Disgusting! Lets hope they can really send him away for these crimes for a long while. Being animals you know how little the punishments can be. SAD!
OMG!! Unbelievable! That mug shot looks like he's a drunk homeless person, not an educated professional. I hope they put him away and lose the key! (Maybe he'll be in a prison fight and have his ear ripped off!, that's what he deserves!)
The guy is crooked and should burn in hell...just my opinion.
Goes to show that eduacated people aren't always smart.
This sickens me and upsets me. The people in his office should also be charged. This has been going on how long? Reports as early as the 90s? Who can you trust these days? I wonder if we searched this guy under BBB if anything would come up?

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