So frustrated!


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
Our local pet shelter did a santa pic back 4 years ago, when we first moved here and before we got Mugsy. So we have a great, really nice pic of Cutty with santa and none of Mugs cuz after that they hadnt done it. I email them each year just to make sure and nope they didnt do them until this year. How excited was I when I saw in the local paper that they were having it this weekend on sat and sun! Yay I could finally get a good quality portrait of my boys together with santa. So I get the paper out a while ago to be sure what time it is and it didnt specify. (last weeks paper) So I get this weeks out that I hadnt read yet and it only said for sat the 4th, not sunday. What? We look online and they have it written on their site as sat and sun but then on a diff ad they say sat only so basically we got jipped out of pictures after waiting these 3 years for them to do them all because they misprinted it. :*( So sad! Now we are stuck having to resort to petsmart which is alright but not the high quality that I was so waiting for. Ugh..... Irritated. Got the boys all bathed and was so ready. And how sad for the shelter that now is losing how much in money cuz I am sure I wasnt the only one who planned on coming tomorrow. Sorry for the vent but it is making me crazy. Hubby doesnt understand that it wont be the same at petsmart. lol
Ah that really bites... Try the photo place in your local mall. I know ours Kinder photo I think.. will let you bring them in for the photos and then have to take them right back out.. I too want to get pictures of the dogs together but I really dont think that will happen.. Good luck..
We took Gracie to Pet Smart yesterday. We didn't know it was a Santa day, but of course did get her picture taken. (after purchasing yet another "Christmas Dress" because of course she wasn't wearing a Christmas outfit. (At least they still had a sale on the Christmas dresses)

I know exactly what you mean about quality though. The picture while not horrible, is not good. We're going to try scanning it and playing with the color of the scanned image and improving it. Plus, we still want to have our own photo shoot under the tree here at home though. We'll see how that goes this evening.
That stinks! How disappointing but I am sure no matter where you go or take them the pics will be fab-u-lous!
Gracie got another xmas dress! I love it! Well today we will take them to petsmart for their santa pics and I will be disappointed I am sure but at least it is something. Taking them to a picture place is a good idea, hadnt thought of that at all but I hate going out during the holidays as it is so I am not likely to attempt that one being so crowded on weekends and all. I avoid crowds like the plague. haha. Will hope for the chance next year at this shelter for another good pic of the boys.
[MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION] ........ If you do the Petsmart thing take your own camera along and snap a bunch while they are taking the pic. Not knowing it was going on yesterday when we went there I didnt have mine with me but the lady said that I would be welcome to take some had I had it. The small camera they used was so-so but we were able to correct it.
Thanks [MENTION=1034]BruceP[/MENTION] I will do that. :D Wouldnt have thought to otherwise.
Awww, that's too bad. I may end up at Petsmart, just because I can't get Gertie to sit still here at home. Yesterday I got a little Santa hat and some reindeer antlers with bells, and my granddaughter and I were going to get a cute pic of the two girls in front of the tree. Yeah, RIGHT!! Ida did sit on the sofa and we took a couple pics before she knocked her hat or antlers off. We tried with Gertie and she RAN back and forth on the sofa, wouldn't even pause briefly to let me get one pic! There's NO way I'm going to let her near the tree, she'll tip it over! Anyone have any ideas for a "Doggy Downer"? If I could just slightly sedate her, just for pictures...:whistle:
Ugh, I usually end up at Petsmart too for the Santa pics - and they aren't the best - but sometimes that's what makes them so funny and special. I have one of Bentley and one of the Bentley and Linus and poor Santa looks like he's being crushed by a 80 pound weight. It makes me laugh, put the whole collection up every year! Good tip from Bruce about bringing your own camera - I'm always too shy to ask!
Awww, that's too bad. I may end up at Petsmart, just because I can't get Gertie to sit still here at home. Yesterday I got a little Santa hat and some reindeer antlers with bells, and my granddaughter and I were going to get a cute pic of the two girls in front of the tree. Yeah, RIGHT!! Ida did sit on the sofa and we took a couple pics before she knocked her hat or antlers off. We tried with Gertie and she RAN back and forth on the sofa, wouldn't even pause briefly to let me get one pic! There's NO way I'm going to let her near the tree, she'll tip it over! Anyone have any ideas for a "Doggy Downer"? If I could just slightly sedate her, just for pictures...:whistle:

[MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION], I get sooo furious at Vegas when I try to take his picture!! he is miserable to work with! It takes about 15 pictures to get 1 that I kind of like!! I have got some good shots when I am not making him pose. I bet I took at least 25 of him in his Halloween costume before I found 1 maybe 2 that were good!!
That's how it always is. Even if you use a professional photographer, you will notice several gaps in the number orders of the photos. They will delete all the blurry and icky ones. I will take hundreds of photos only to end up with one I like. That is the nature of photography. Thank goodness for digital. I'd be broke if I had to use film........actually, I probably wouldn't even be into it.

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