Help Needed! Swollen and red eye - advice?


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Jun 1, 2019
Bulldog(s) Names

Our 1 year old English bulldog has developed a swollen and very red eye. Weā€™ve been to our vet twice for this problem over the past 3 days. At first, our vet thought it might be pink eye and we treated it for 72 hours as that. We took him back to our vet this morning. They no longer think itā€™s an infection, but rather inflammation due to an unknown cause. We are now treating the inflammation with eye drops call flurbiprofen (anti inflammatory).

Hoping for advice / ideas if anyone has seen something similar in their bulldogs or has any idea what this might be. We want our sweet guy to feel better as soon as possible. Thank you!


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Poor little one! I cannot offer any advice on this, I'm afraid, but Castor sends his best wishes to George!
I'm not very familiar with eyelash disorders (ie Trichiasis, distichiasis, and ectopic cilia) but I wonder if that is the issue. There are a bunch of members here that could probably give better feedback and hopefully you find an answer.

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Our 1 year old English bulldog has developed a swollen and very red eye. Weā€™ve been to our vet twice for this problem over the past 3 days. At first, our vet thought it might be pink eye and we treated it for 72 hours as that. We took him back to our vet this morning. They no longer think itā€™s an infection, but rather inflammation due to an unknown cause. We are now treating the inflammation with eye drops call flurbiprofen (anti inflammatory).

Hoping for advice / ideas if anyone has seen something similar in their bulldogs or has any idea what this might be. We want our sweet guy to feel better as soon as possible. Thank you!

If a vet says ā€œunknown causeā€ n doesnā€™t know, IMO I sure would change vets. But thatā€™s me. Itā€™s only one eye so itā€™s not an allergy as it would hit both eyes. Did your vet see any scratches on the eye or check for conjunctiva? Since youā€™ve been giving him a few meds, make sure he gets daily basis probiotics. White face dogs like my Duke are prone to red eyes, pink face cause of the sun. White faces has different pigmentations. More fragile. Bare in mind redness often is due to dry eyes.
I'm not very familiar with eyelash disorders (ie Trichiasis, distichiasis, and ectopic cilia) but I wonder if that is the issue. There are a bunch of members here that could probably give better feedback and hopefully you find an answer.

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[MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] 's dog had trichiasis ( eye lashes growing inward ) so he's quite knowledgeable about this. I haven't heard how his dog is doing with that. Hopefully he'll respond to your situation.
It does look like something is going on with the lid... is there a specialist near you? Usually a 24 ER facility has eye specialist within them.

Where are you located, maybe we can find one near you

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Looks like eye inflammation and Iā€™d keep treating as prescribed. No telling what has caused it. Did Vet do a stain test? If not vastly improved in a few days seek help from a specialist.
Looks like eye inflammation and Iā€™d keep treating as prescribed. No telling what has caused it. Did Vet do a stain test? If not vastly improved in a few days seek help from a specialist.

How's your dog doing with the trichiasis?
Sheā€™s very much improved. I can no longer see the ulcers but that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re gone. She goes back for re-eval tomorrow. Iā€™m thinking sheā€™ll have surgery to cryo the lashes within a weeks time. TY for asking.
I took Monty to an eye specialist a couple of months or so ago as both of his eyes looked like that with lots of gunk and clouded eyes. He is already on prescription eye drops for dry eye. The gunk I put down to all the pollen and crap here. He had an infection so they put him on antibiotics for a week and Neopolydex. His eyes cleared up quickly and I have been able to cut back on the NeoPolyDex as per the vets instructions. Hopefully, I will be able to cut it back more if they continue to stay clear. I love my bully vet but I am really pleased I took him to the specialist.
Sheā€™s very much improved. I can no longer see the ulcers but that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re gone. She goes back for re-eval tomorrow. Iā€™m thinking sheā€™ll have surgery to cryo the lashes within a weeks time. TY for asking.

Great news that she's improving!
We took George to an eye specialist today. The specialist thinks that he is either showing early symptoms of cherry eye OR had something caught in his eye that he has since blinked out himself.

George's eye isn't 100% back to normal yet but we've seen drastic improvement over the past few days. Per the specialist, we will continue using anti inflammatory eye drops for 10 days and follow up if his eye is not back to normal after that.

Thank you for all of your feedback and help! We truly appreciate it!
We took George to an eye specialist today. The specialist thinks that he is either showing early symptoms of cherry eye OR had something caught in his eye that he has since blinked out himself.

George's eye isn't 100% back to normal yet but we've seen drastic improvement over the past few days. Per the specialist, we will continue using anti inflammatory eye drops for 10 days and follow up if his eye is not back to normal after that.

Thank you for all of your feedback and help! We truly appreciate it!

Great news!! Keep us posted

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