Stinky Dog...


New member
Oct 10, 2015
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
HELP!!! My Pazelee stinks so bad. She had a bath a week ago, but she reeks. So much so that my house is starting to really stink. I've tried odor wipes and odor sprays, but I'm not getting much relief. What can it be? Should I bathe her more? ~ T


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awwww poor pazelee!! is it gas? she didnt roll in something stinky outside did she?
what is the smell. Is it from his anal side. Perhaps you need to have the anal glands expressed. The groomer or the vet can do this for a fee.
What are you feeding?
Could be yeast, anal glands, etc. Where is the smell coming from? What does it smell like if you could describe. lol
I'm all ears on some help on this issue as well. Ace is the same way, for the first year or so not so much, unless there was some yeast problems and I would address those and all was good. But now he is three and for the past year or so the odor has gotten worse. I give him regular baths but two days after and there is the odor. It's a musky odor similar to what you would smell to a hog pen with some nice size male hogs in the pen. I think it's his undercarriage, that's where it seems to emanate from, around the area of his boys and inner back thighs. I have been sponging that down more frequently between baths but sometimes the musky smell just comes in waves like on a cloud. LoL


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My new guy has a musk as well, house is starting to smell like him. He's fit as a fiddle. Can't work it out!

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Could be yeast, anal glands, etc. Where is the smell coming from? What does it smell like if you could describe. lol

She smells mostly around her face and neck. It's a dirty sock kind of smell. I clean her folds everyday with Stridex. She eats Blue Buffalo Grain Free Chicken flavor food. I just don't know what it is.
She smells mostly around her face and neck. It's a dirty sock kind of smell. I clean her folds everyday with Stridex. She eats Blue Buffalo Grain Free Chicken flavor food. I just don't know what it is.

Even though That us a good food, it may not agree with her.... Is it almost like a corn chips smell?
You nailed it. Is does smell like corn chips. Blah. Do you have any suggestions?

I would get her off the chicken. Try another protein. You can still stay in the Blue family if he does well on it otherwise. Read the ingredients closely and pick one with no chicken :) that "could" be the culprit. Also try cleaning face with witch hazel instead. And you can apply a little Desitin directly into the folds. Small amount goes a long way :)

It's an reaction to something he's eating, which is producing yeast.

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Hi Tracie, Jessica gave you great advice above, I was going to suggest it was yeast as well. I'm also going through this with Bulldozer and his allergies. He is allergic to chicken, salmon, beef and lamb, and chicken and grains give him the worst symptoms. His ears get very yeasty on foods that contain chicken or grains, he gets a sour smell. Many Bullies don't tolerate chicken and can be sensitive to grains. I would switch Pazelee's protein and find a grain free kibble and see how she does. You can also give her probiotics or plain unsweetened yogurt to help with the yeast.
Hello Tracie,
Smell around the facial area means one of 2 things:
1. Folds and flaps; you have taken care of that by using wet wipes
2. From inside the mouth; remember bulldogs breathe a lot thru their mouth

If it is from inside the mouth, it is the diet. For quick relief before you find an alternate food solution do this:
1. use a paper towel to wipe dry mouth area immediately after she is done eating
2. take an old t-shirt; rip small pieces and fold them over you finger
3. gently rub the teeth and gums 30 mins after every meal (outside and inside) or at least once a day

Constant bathing is not good for dogs; they lose natural body oil very soon and rashes/dry skin issues crop up.

I have a year old female who is on raw food since she was 3 months old. I live in India and it is hot bulldog-wise year round.
Bath once a in 20-25 days. I have never brushed her teeth.
She gets a gentle "facial" pampering almost every day (unscented/non-medicated wet wipes used to clean the folds, flaps, eyes, tear-stains and ear lobes).

The others can help more with food and yeast issues. I'm far from knowledgeable in that department. I give my guys a bath every 2-3 weeks. They play and roll around in the yard and always end up smelly. One thing I do for a freshener is spray them down with diluted white vinegar until fairly damp. Not in the face though as it will burn the eyes. Then I rub them down with a towel and spray them again with deodorizer or a homemade mix of water, coconut oil and essential oils. I love the grapefruit or the eucalyptus and mint spray that target has. Rub them down again and they smell so good. For their head I use the damp towel from wiping their body and get the cheeks, chin, head and ears. For their bath, if they're extra stinky I use their shampoo and some baking soda and it gets them very clean and takes the odor away. I sometimes rinse them with diluted vinegar also. It helps a lot. Just don't forget that it burns their eyes. I say this because I had been rinsing Henry with vinegar for months, always from the neck down. Then one day I guess I was thinking of something else and let it run down his face. He was sneezing and trying to rub his eyes and shaking his head, it was awful! I felt so bad. He got extra treats that day!
I would get her off the chicken. Try another protein. You can still stay in the Blue family if he does well on it otherwise. Read the ingredients closely and pick one with no chicken :) that "could" be the culprit. Also try cleaning face with witch hazel instead. And you can apply a little Desitin directly into the folds. Small amount goes a long way :)

It's an reaction to something he's eating, which is producing yeast.

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This is so helpful. Thank you so much, Jessica. I'll keep you posted.


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