Speaking of slobber.. nice, real nice..


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
I had a black dress on today - the kind that is made of a soft, thin sweater type material. And of course, I worried about dog hair getting on me before I left - as I had meetings today. So, I thought I managed to make it out the door without Chester leaving his "remnants".. and I really didn't see any. :up: However, as I was sitting down I look down at work, there it was.. the nice, shiny, clear looking smears of nose slobber on my dress. How charming indeed! :*(
LOL I am sure you are the only one who even noticed :whistle:
Nice!! lol Lari has taken to wearing a bathrobe over her clothes til she is ready to step out the door for work.
I wonder what other people think clear slime on clothes are. hmmmm.... Don't know if I want to know:whistle:

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