Saw the vet today and he basically agreed that it looks like staph. He think the patch above her tail has been there awhile as the skin has thickened there. She has a course of antibiotics and antibiotic gel. I am going to be adding coconut oil and plain yogurt to her food and once the sores heal start rubbing her down more regularly with coconut oil. Hopefully the antibiotics do the trick otherwise we'll need to go back for a skin scraping.

Good luck --- keep us posted!
Good luck --- keep us posted!

Thank you! The vet said it might have been triggered by the new environment so we will see how she does. I think I will be switching her to the grainfree version of Wainwrights once she's got through her current food just to be safe as well.
Thank you! The vet said it might have been triggered by the new environment so we will see how she does. I think I will be switching her to the grainfree version of Wainwrights once she's got through her current food just to be safe as well.

Buy the new food now and do a slow transition so as to not upset her belly... should be at least 5 days, but some like to do it over 10 days.... mix the two kibbles till the other is gone each day lessening the amount of the old and increase the new

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