So.. would you switch from Avoderm to Fromm?


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
My husband, after reading about Fromm (he lurks here, he won't post! :lol: ) is on the kick now that we should switch Chester over. Chester is doing really well on Avoderm. He really has had no health issues - except he seems to have gotten his 2nd ear infection. :( But anyway, do you think it's that much better?
I would personally, Fromm is a very good food. BUT If Chester starts having reoccuring ear infections, I recommend trying Natures Variety. Thanks to Natures Variety Samson hasn't had an ear infection in over a month, the first time since April!
I love AvoDerm too, and I think as long as you are comfortable with what you are feeding you don't HAVE to switch. The only way to really see for yourself is to try it, and then see what you think. I actually would tell everyone to try around 5-6 different foods over the course of a year, to keep it interesting for your baby and also to prevent a specific protein allergy. I think I am settling in to the Fromm, simply because the Beef is the only one so far Tidus can eat. Does not mean I won't continue to find comparables to that formula for him in other brands and give them a try.
Gracie has been on Surf and Turf Fromm since not long after we got her and switched her from BilJac that the breeder was using. She has done remarkably well on it but still has a small bit of 'ichies' . We have now mixed in half and half Fromm Beef Fritatta and will be shifting to all Beef Fritata because it has NO chicken in it and from what [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] has posted one if hers improved by eliminating chicken in its diet. Gracie is just fine with what she is on but we are always looking for improvement.
Check the ingredients of the treats too.... The main diet can be perfect and the treats are garbage. Fromm has a chicken free, grain free treat.... just wish Gracie would chew them instead of woofing them down. lol
I agree with desertsky, maybe try the switch and compare how chester is with each. Avoderm may be the best food for him but there is only 1 way to know for sure. I switched from avoderm to fromm with Cutty but his tear stains didnt go away with avoderm so that was my mission for the most part at that time. Now on the surf and turf they are cleared up mostly but am also going to try the beef next time I restock for the heck of it.
I changed to Fromm when we just had Maggie and she is wonderful on it. We do switch up the proteins within the 4* range. Started on Salmon, then moved on to Pork, then the duck and right now we've got a 30lb bag of the pork in the basement so that when all the duck goes we can switch it again.

Daddy is still too young to show any allergies but for the moment he seems to be doing really well on everything we've tried him with.
[MENTION=530]LisaRN[/MENTION] I too had Bear on Avoderm but his tear stains weren't clearing up as much as I would have wanted them to so I took the advice of those here about Fromm and made the change. Best bully decision I've made!!! Avoderm was a great product though.
[MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION] Do you have to slowly switch when using the 4* brands or are they interchangeable, I'd like to give my dogs a variety too.
[MENTION=676]mammyglicks[/MENTION] As long as you keep in the 4* range you don't have to do the switch slowly. For example, we're coming to the end of the Duck so we'll immediately open the bag of Pork and applesauce.