separation anxiety?


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Nov 28, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
Bulldog(s) Names
i've had problems with butler scratching his neck and ear. I very seldom see him attempt to scratch when i am at home, he may try to rub his face on the carpet, but not in the past week after switching his food.I've had the vet scrape him and it isn't mites or mange, no infection either. Everytime I leave, if he is home alone, I return to him bleeding from scratching. I would obviously stop him if i caught him scratching, but he just doesn't do it when he has company. Do you think maybe he gets anxious when he's alone? He was abandoned by his last 2 owners so perhaps he gets nervous when we leave him, thinking we won't be back?! i hate to put an e-collar on him when i go, but it beats him tearing himself up. i'm probably overreacting, but he is my baby.:heart:
Dogs do lots of things when they are anxious but I'm not sure I've ever heard of scratching themselves. Particularly with the bulldog's sensitive skin, I would definitely see whether or not you can get to the bottom of some kind allergic reaction that might be going on. The other thing could be an ear infection, which is super common and not always detectable until you go see the vet. I would take a peek in his ears to see if they are dirty, smelly, red, or otherwise inflamed. Does the area he's scratching look dry, inflamed, or upset? The spots might not be mange but it could be a fungal infection, which isn't a test most vets perform (and it's expensive) but it could be that too - but from what you say between the rubbing the head on the floor and the itching the ear and neck area, it really sounds like an ear infection to me.
I don't think Vegas does anything when I am gone but sleep, even when my husband is here with him, and I am gone he still stays in in open-doored crate and sleeps, BUT as soon as I walk in the door it is like flies on :poo: until it is time for bed. There is no peeling him off me or going into any room with out him right up my behind.
Thanks [MENTION=860]jillh10[/MENTION] I will have to get the vet to recheck him. His ear smells like nothing, regular pink, not swollen, not extra waxy. That's what confuses me. I don't think it's a fungus, he is on an antifungal called diflucan for his valley fever. Maybe some weird allergies. I use unscented baby detergent for his bedding and towels... hmmm. He will be happy to see his girlfriend at the vet anyway.
Lol[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] "like flies on :poo:" never heard that before!
[MENTION=1539]sheila[/MENTION], it is a hillbilly saying, I have many, :lol:
Scratching and licking actually can be neurotic behaviours. Very similar to us chewing fingernails etc. A friend of mine is having problems with something similar. Her husky/springer spaniel mix is giving herself "hot spots" by constant licking on her leg. They have had to resort to extra exercise and an E-collar when they aren't home untill it clears up. The hair is missing and the area is beginning to appear raw from all the licking.
Tidus had a small rash behind his ears and was always batting at them. Then we tried Fromm Chicken formula, and it went crazy into a hot spot. I have since learned that a rash behind the ears is a sign of a food allergy. With Tidus, all of the food I had tried with him (even salmon or duck) all had chicken in them. So I decided to try a food without chicken and the improvement was drastic. So it would be a food allergy that is still getting to him. Tidus never did bad on the other formulas, until i switched him to the Chicken formula. And it took me about 10 foods before I found one that seems to be working for him.
crap! i just ordered a big bag of fromm surf and turf w/chicken.
[MENTION=1539]sheila[/MENTION] What I am wondering is was this always a problem before he switched or is this a new symptom? It does not mean he is necessarily a reaction to the chicken, it could be salmon or another ingredient in the food. But if this has been going on since before the switch, he may still need time to adjust. How long has he been on this food? You should always give at least 4 weeks, unless you think he is having a reaction to it.
Silva has issues with change. When my girls went back to school she was very mopey, and had tons of bowel issues. It got to the point that we had to go to the vet and nothing was wrong so it was stress and was put on medication and about 2 weeks after school started and we had our new routine she was fine. She is s very sensitive. Also when we moved it took her 3 days to adjust, she wasnt eating or playing. We definately find keeping her on a routine helps. Good luck!
Thanks everyone. He has always scratched his ear area, but has had other symptoms simultaneously. Now everything is better, but hr still bothers his ear/neck. But just the right side, and only when no one is home. Maybe he doesn't like the country music I leave on for him. Lol! [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] he has been eating fromm for only 2 weeks. I'll be more patient. I know it has to hurt though.
Sorry but I dont' think I can be of much help here. Tom (the hubby) used to have a dog before we met who suffered from separation anxiety every time he left to go to work. However, Otis would just destroy everything around him and not hurt himself. Eventually, tom gave Otis to a friend who lived on a farm and so Otis was never left alone again.

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