

New member
Apr 3, 2013
Houston, TX
Bulldog(s) Names
Barkley and Pippen
Hi Everyone, Barkley has had a few random "episodes" over the past month or so and I wanted to see if anyone else had experienced this?

About a month ago I woke up around 5 a.m. to him screaming in his crate like something was attacking him. I ran out there and by the time I got there he was done and acting just fine. I checked his crate and around it to make sure there wasn't a bug or something that bit him but didn't see anything so I thought maybe he was just having a nightmare and was freaked out. A few weeks later the same thing happened around 3 a.m. and I couldn't find anything that would be causing it and he seemed just fine when I got to him.

The other day I got home from work and as soon as I walked in the door I heard him start screaming again. I ran over to his crate and he was still screaming and freaking out like he was trying to get out of the crate. I opened his crate and he continued freaking out for a few more seconds then came out and acted normal.

It's so strange, he never barks or whines and you would never know when he gets hurt barbecue he never makes a noise, so this is really worrying me. I took him to the vet yesterday and they said they don't think it would be seizures since he is conscious during it but said I could come back in for labwork if it keeps happening.

I still think maybe it could be a seizure but it seems to only happen when he is in his crate so I didn't know if it could be something like a muscle cramp from him laying in there for awhile?

If anyone has any advice or has experienced anything like this please let me know!! Thanks!


Head Pooper Scooper
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Mar 21, 2011
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Well I don't have any experience with seizures but I will tag someone who does. [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION]


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Can you try to get a video next time (hopefully there won't be a next time) and those who have experience can help.
[MENTION=9403]Lokismom[/MENTION] [MENTION=4246]ChanelnBrutus[/MENTION]


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
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Vegas and Orion doesn't sound like a seizure, but it could be something neurological. If at all possible, keep a camera handy. I know it will be unlikely that you catch it on video....but if you do, that could be key in helping the vet diagnose it. It sure does sound strange! I hope it gets figured out quickly!


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
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Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
I hope you can figure out what is going on with your baby. Does it ever happen at any other time or just when he is in his crate for awhile?


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Houston, TX
Bulldog(s) Names
Barkley and Pippen
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  • #6 doesn't sound like a seizure, but it could be something neurological. If at all possible, keep a camera handy. I know it will be unlikely that you catch it on video....but if you do, that could be key in helping the vet diagnose it. It sure does sound strange! I hope it gets figured out quickly!

Yea I was thinking of trying to get it on video but he is usually done pretty fast. I might try and set up a video on him while I'm at work to see if it ever happens then, that would prob be the best way to catch it I think.

I hope you can figure out what is going on with your baby. Does it ever happen at any other time or just when he is in his crate for awhile?

Nope, he's never done it outside of his crate...The vet thought maybe he was trying to get attention to get out of the crate but I really don't think that's it. He loves his crate and goes in there all the time when we're home to nap and most of the time doesn't even want to get out when it's time to wake up or when we get home! He also never makes a big deal about anything so it is just so strange!

I'm still wondering if maybe it could be nightmares? Do dogs even have those??


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
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Vegas and Orion
If you can swing it, some internet cameras have a sensor....our does. Catches any movement and records it if it's longer than a few seconds.

No [MENTION=2014]JeannieCO[/MENTION], this was sent from my Droid Razr, not an iPhone... using Tapatalk 4.


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
I'm still wondering if maybe it could be nightmares? Do dogs even have those??

yes, then can and do.... I think setting up the video is a great idea to try and figure what is bothering your baby


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Jul 22, 2013
Prescott, Wisconsin, United States
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Loki has always had very intense nightmares that seem to happen more frequently if he is really tired or there is a lot of activity happening outside it is hard to say yes it is a seizure since the episodes happened crate only. Loki has never screamed or made noise during his seizures other then trying to breath. We have night lights every where in our house since loki is not very found of the dark and this seems to help stop a lot of the bad dream activity a lot of time I am not sure that he knows where he is after a bad dream. I would have the lab work done but try and keep a record of what time the episodes happen and what the days events consisted of could be a new treat or just a very active nightmare. Sorry for the delayed response. I hope you get a handle on whatever is causing this such a scary feeling.


Norwegian Rose
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Oct 8, 2012
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You've been given great advice already, hope it's nothing serious. Sending love hugs and prayers that Barkley is okay, and this passes. Please keep us posted on how he's doing.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Houston, TX
Bulldog(s) Names
Barkley and Pippen
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Loki has always had very intense nightmares that seem to happen more frequently if he is really tired or there is a lot of activity happening outside it is hard to say yes it is a seizure since the episodes happened crate only. Loki has never screamed or made noise during his seizures other then trying to breath. We have night lights every where in our house since loki is not very found of the dark and this seems to help stop a lot of the bad dream activity a lot of time I am not sure that he knows where he is after a bad dream. I would have the lab work done but try and keep a record of what time the episodes happen and what the days events consisted of could be a new treat or just a very active nightmare. Sorry for the delayed response. I hope you get a handle on whatever is causing this such a scary feeling.

Thanks for the info! Barkley does sleep pretty hard and actually the first time it happened, I had been laying on the couch in the living room (where his crate is) because I didn't feel good and then went back to the bedroom to sleep...I know he was passed out snoring when I went in the bedroom and then it happened about 10 minutes after. The 2nd time was at night too and the 3rd time was around 5:30p.m. when I was getting home from work but I have caught him still sleeping around that time before so he could have been sleeping and had a nightmare then....I am definitely going to look into getting a camera to put on him and hopefully figure out what's going on with the poor little guy!

Thanks so much for everyone's help/advice!! :)

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