Rant part 2!


New member
Jan 24, 2014
Bulldog(s) Names
Henry, Clyde-EB/basset hound and Macon
OMG! It just a gets worse!! Neighbor dog gets out of his fence twice this morning. I'm flipping out trying to get my dogs in while spraying the anti-flea spray I made and praying it works. On the second time he was over he pooped runny poo in my yard. I took him back home and went to inspect the crap cause this is what I do! And guess what, he has worms. Yes. Worms crawling around in his **** that he **** in my yard with my dogs!! I am so furious. I text the neighbor girl and asked what to do with the dog and told her he has worms. Normally I'm not one to do this. I'm mortified of telling people things, especially things like that! I did it anyway. He gets out all the time and comes over to my yard. Usually he pees in 9 places and takes a crap. That alone irritates me. Go crap in your own yard, ya know?! I have enough poo in my yard from my dogs. So now I have worn infested poo in my yard. I went out and picked it up but I doubt that's enough. It was runny so I ripped out all the grass I could and tried to scrape the dirt up too but there's no way I got it all. Now what do I do? Is the preventative heart worm and flea/tick stuff going to keep my guys from getting worms? I doubt it but I'm calling the vet to see what they say. Ahhhh!! I just want to scream. I don't need more stress. I'm not doing great lately as it is and I have to deal with this wormy **** now. I'm about to have a breakdown!
Which heartworm meds. are your dogs on? Then again, I'm not sure the heartworm meds. make a difference?

edited to add: I would just call your vet and ask about what you can do to keep your pups from getting worms.
Then I would contact your neighbor, and tell them next time their dogs on your property, you're calling animal control.
They're on Heart guard and take nexguard for fleas and ticks. I called the vet and I think she said they were tapeworms. They looked like puffy rice or sort of like a big maggot. She said they come from the fleas and there's no preventative. I just have to wait 8 weeks and see if they get them! She said that since there was some fleas on Henry and Macon it's a 50/50 shot if they will get it or not. Even though they had the nexguard the got some fleas on them. I don't even know what to do now! Does what the vet said sound right?
I guess I should have said vet tech. It's the chick that answers the phone at the vets office.
I agree w/Ellie… you tell your neighbor that if he doesn't keep his dog in his yard you are calling AC. That is complete BS that his sick dog is using your yard as a toilet!!!
@Roseann I am so sorry that you are having this problem, I love dogs, but I hate when other dogs come around here. If you have leash laws, or animal control in your town, I would definitely call them. This is one of the reasons I have always tried to live where there ARE no neighbors.It's always the owners who are idiots. Dogs get tapeworms by swallowing a flea. I know how you feel because just reading this makes me so angry(and want to throw up) but if they do get tapes,you are forewarned, and can be aware. Your neighbor shouldn't even have a dog. They know it has worms and "Oh well". I hope you do have animal control where you are, as that is a nightmare neighbor! I hate having to clean other dog's poop, and he probably never has shots either.The neighbor needs a shot--(with a 38!)
Tapes look like flat noodle segments, pin worms look like rice.
[MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION] Throw is is right. I made the mistake of googling worms in dogs. Wow, I'll never do that again. We sort of have animal control but they're pretty worthless. I actually took the dog in the house and crated him today. She told me they are taking him to the vet tomorrow. I'll just have to wait and see. Also, I live on the edge of town and only really have the one neighbor. They're the second people to live in that house since I've lived here. I'm not sure who's worse, them or the last people. I hate neighbors. My dream is to live in the center of some acreage somewhere between 50 and 150 acres. That's my ideal life. It's the same kind of dream as winning the lotto! Lol
[MENTION=10908]Roseann[/MENTION] If you set that goal for yourself, and work towards it-it can happen! When I was young and married-all I ever wanted was a place with property for my horses,etc. I never cared about what the house was like! We were never rich,(moneywise) but we did well,and achieved our goal! If you can dream it,you can do it!
Start with throwing the neighbor's dog's poop back in their yard!
i would insist that the neighbor get that poor dog some help.. obviously it is not being taken care of properly.. hate to say it but i would almost buy it myself to give her poor dog.. its not the dogs fault.. its the neighbors..
@Roseann If you set that goal for yourself, and work towards it-it can happen! When I was young and married-all I ever wanted was a place with property for my horses,etc. I never cared about what the house was like! We were never rich,(moneywise) but we did well,and achieved our goal! If you can dream it,you can do it!
Start with throwing the neighbor's dog's poop back in their yard!

This is really great advice, ESPECIALLY the last sentence! :goodpost:
Oh, trust me, that's exactly what I'll do. I already have to throw their trash and beer cans back in their yard. I used to just pick it up and throw it away but it's more satisfying to throw it back over there. I'm not opposed to throwing their dogs poo back over there. Haha I feel horrible for the dog. He's going to be one of the statistics of the Pit bull breed of they don't start taking care of him. Its a wonder he hasn't been shot already. [MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION] I have come to terms with the fact that I'm only working on staying afloat. When I had to quit working it was disastrous. We still have the bills of a 2 income household but only one of us is able to work. I kept the hope alive that I would be able to return to work for over a year. Now I have to face reality and figure out how to downsize. Upsizing is not in the cards.
Every time I see this picture i see him wearing a super hero cape, not a life jacket. Haha @nycbullymama
So sorry to hear this...I guess the poor dog keeps coming over to your house as he realises it's a much better place than his own!
So sorry to hear this...I guess the poor dog keeps coming over to your house as he realises it's a much better place than his own!

Thats the truth I think! He's been doing this since he was a pup. He'd wait til the door opened and hide under the table. I always thought he thought it was much more fun with his friends. I've had to let the neighbor in the house to get him before. Maybe I should start taking care of him but I wouldn't know if I was double treating him or not. I just wish they would take care of him.
I would in no uncertain terms let them know the dog is not allowed on your property anymore and if he comes over you will call animal control. And any vet bills you incur if your dogs get worms and or fleas will be delivered promptly to them for payment. They always say, fences make the best neighbors. Maybe if you cant get a regular fence righ now, you can get chicken wire or something just to keep the other dog out. It is cheap enough.
I would ring animal control each and every time they will soon get sick of you ringing and maybe do something and I would toss the pooh back over runny or not I would also loose my temper with the neighbour and let it all out then maybe they will reliaze you have had enough.

Honestly how hard is it for a person to give a worming treatment regularly if you don't you don't deserve to have pets, this furiates me that people have the dog but don't take the necessary precautions for them but then there are plenty that do this with children too, Good Luck trying to get through to them

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