Prolapsed urethra!?


Aug 4, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hey guys,

So lately things have been hectic, with me starting a new job (remote), and my kids going to school full time here at home, Iā€™ve been crazy busy. But yesterday, I noticed Brisket sitting on the edge of his dog bed, and the tip of his penis was red and swollen. It Looks inflamed and in a donut shape. From what I have seen online, it looks like a prolapsed urethra, but he hasnā€™t complained or acted any different. I donā€™t think it bothers him. I read that it can often reappear after treatment, and if it does not cause any discomfort is not a big deal. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thereā€™s no excessive licking or anything, and he urinates regularly. I had been putting antibiotic ointment before until I was able to find out what it was. He has a vet appointment on Friday. But hoping to hear from others so that Iā€™m not talked into an unnecessary surgery.
No personal experience but usually a prolapsed urethra is like a bloody crime scene. Not sure if it starts out like what youā€™re describing but Iā€™d probably do a vet visit. Neutering is usually recommended for a prolapsed urethra.

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No blood.
It looks like this, found a picture online.

Jake has a vasectomy so basically he has all still going n his looks like that on n off n itā€™s not prolapsed urethra.

Vet visit is good to rule out or not prolapsed urethra. Usually it bleeds n you didnā€™t mentioned that...
Jake has a vasectomy so basically he has all still going n his looks like that on n off n itā€™s not prolapsed urethra.

Vet visit is good to rule out or not prolapsed urethra. Usually it bleeds n you didnā€™t mentioned that...

No his does not bleed at all, he doesnā€™t lick it and it doesnā€™t bother him. I donā€™t even think he has noticed it. Thatā€™s what puzzles me. I use a q-tip to put antibiotic ointment on it and it doesnā€™t seem to hurt.
No his does not bleed at all, he doesnā€™t lick it and it doesnā€™t bother him. I donā€™t even think he has noticed it. Thatā€™s what puzzles me. I use a q-tip to put antibiotic ointment on it and it doesnā€™t seem to hurt.

These dogs canā€™t reach any further than their front paws lolll....
These dogs canā€™t reach any further than their front paws lolll....

���� thatā€™s true!!!

Update tho! I continued using the ointment, and the swelling seems to have gone down and it went from a dark red tip to a darker pink but it seems to be getting better. Iā€™m hoping it was just some small type of infection. Still have an appointment Friday. But hoping itā€™ll be better by then
ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ thatā€™s true!!!

Update tho! I continued using the ointment, and the swelling seems to have gone down and it went from a dark red tip to a darker pink but it seems to be getting better. Iā€™m hoping it was just some small type of infection. Still have an appointment Friday. But hoping itā€™ll be better by then

Itā€™s a male, need to release themselves. Iā€™m sure heā€™s fine... keep us posted...
I have no experience with this..... I hope if it is that you got it early

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