Help Needed! Please help me find the right foot for my lovely dog!!


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Feb 22, 2014
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Hello everyone
i have an 11 months english bulldog,I've got him when he was 5 m and since day one i had many health issue with him.
tanks god after many research and changing finally he got much better.
i have an issue since day one, in talking on find him the right food..
when i first got him he ate Royal canon for EB and after a while i moved to natural balance,then i moved to natural verity (instinct),
then the problem began i must say i tried this foods because he had massive shading that refoze to stop,after i saw that the shading refuse to stop when he ate instinct, he saw that MY DOG VOMIT!!, AT THE beginning i thought it is normal for dog but after it happened on a daily bases i went to the vet,(a very doog vet that spechlize in EB) he told me that he think that my dog didn't need to eat a kind of food that has an high portion because according to him EB are lazy most od the time and they don't really need high protin like active dogs so he told me do not buy for him all the kinds the sale men try to sell you at the animal store,so i did a small research and i read that dog food on a fish bases is really god for my dog to his coat and for his health i went to the store and bought Go that on fish base.
since then until a week ago my dog vomit almost every day(almost a month)offcurse i went to the vet and he explain me that my dog solw air when he drinks and eat this is why he vomit frequently.
so i bought a footstool that help my dog eat higher,since my last visit i also put a worm water on his food until he softer then i serve to him the food.
the vomits stopped but im sure that my dog not so friendly with food on fish bases, i started to look for my dog the properate food so he could enjoy eat him and to be healther dog, i recently saw brands like orijen and acana,and i really need your help find my dog a good food that won't cost higher too much and also won't be good enough
please help me in israel i don't have all the brands you have here in the list,tell my your opinion which brand on what proton bases and if you recommend grain free or not ,also i will be glad if some one have good tips to get my dog to be at better fitness i want him to be able play with other dogs,im taking him twice a week to a dogs place he is very Cowardly and timid at first dogs approaching him then he is more friendly but I have a feeling he's a bit of a coward He may play with them and everything but never seen it displays courage, as many owners of bulldogs indicate, perhaps it is related to his childhood he had several surgeries as a puppy it do to him hard to getting difficult to be active dog at first and since he with me he has improved dramatically, but very important to me is to develop him i really want that he would be with confidence if a dog bites him he will run away, but he didn't even defend himself, i saw that often when he played with a big dog or even smaller one and other dog gives him a bites while playing and my dog ​​does not return, but it may flees because he is still a puppy? If anyone has suggestions about how to improve the confidence on my dog, I'd love to hear It!!!is also important to note that I forbid to encourage an aggressive dog
tanks you all i will be glad to get some info from my friends here


Nov 26, 2012
New Orleans
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Gilbert, Scarlet
Definately go grain free. I feed mine Orijen, its a great brand....expensive but worth it! Bulldogs go through periods of shedding. The thing about the richer foods that are higher in protein is you dont have to feed as much. My 60lb male gets 1 Cup twice a day. Maybe get him a slow feed bowl to slow him down when he much are you feeding him?


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Dec 13, 2012
Washington, DC
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Grain free is the way to go for my guy; I feed him Fromm's Beef Frittata. Also, you should think about getting him a slow feeder ball to put in his bowl while he eats. It makes him eat slower and encourages chewing, rather than just gulping down food.


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Phpo sure is cutie pie!

Go grain free for sure, grains just tend to cause issue and even allergies. Orijen and Acana are both very good brands, i tagged a few members to help out.

As for the timidness, yes if he was not socialized asa pup he will be either timid or not friendly with other pups. Do not concern yourself with high level of activity as Bulldogs do tend to be less active than most breeds. take him ofr walks or just let him hang out as he wants to withthe other pups.


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Feb 22, 2014
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Tank you all,as you all said I will choose grain free food,I will be
glad for formula help
I really need help because I saw two interesting choices one is acana lamb&apple but it's includ avena
And the second is The orijen is grain free but include chicken (I heard it's not so friendly with EB) I'm adding their photos please tell me your opinion

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To your question tyree213 I giving him 1.5 cup for breakfast &1.5for diner, Phpos wight is about 46-50lbs his age is 11months and his food for now is go on fish base(I am not recommend at all )

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2BullyMama, tanks for the compliments Phpo lived with his brother&sister and his mama almost until 5months old, like I mention because he had surgery he devloped later, he was weaker and very related to his mom, until I took him and work very hard to give him better life, now he stronger and healthier tank god, he is very frindely with other dogs small one and big one, but he isn't man enough lol, if some dog will bit him in game or even as a warning he will not show any sign of standing on his own, so this why I ask if it's normal, he bark,running after cats but never bit or something like that just plays.. Sometimes he act like he brave but he is a little bit Coward,can I do something to improve his confidence ?

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Pooper scooper
Nov 5, 2012
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I would go with the Acana, you are right stay away from chicken for the rest of his life. The only real way to make him be more self confident is to socialize him more with other dogs he'll get to be more confident.

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