"pick up your feet"


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
I guess I never realized by Chester doesn't pick up his feet when he walks! :eek: My BIL came over the other day and looked at Chester and said "why don't you pick up your feet when you walk??" Annoying as it is when my husband does this, I never noticed it until the other day. Is your bully a noisy walker??? :p
I will have to look now that you mention it...
I think Cutty does this also but will have to pay attention now that you mentioned it. I know he is very noisy somehow and when I walk down towards the babies room while she is sleepign I always worry he will wake her up, just being him and loud. lol
Yes... Norms nails always scrape the hardwood floor and cement outside.
lex will swing his head low and from side to side and if if you cant find him just listen for him breathing

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