O has done it again...


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
This little girl is a barrel of laughs...
My husband and I are sitting on the couch with Vegas. Vegas is an "early to bed" type of boy...Orion is a "up real late" kinda girl. I see Orion go into Vegas's kennel...and ask Mark to hold onto Vegas. Vegas usually will try to get Orion out of his kennel, and a tiff is usually in the making. But, Vegas doesn't stir. I see Orion's white baby bully butt sticking in the air heading out backwards from Vegas's kennel. Which can only mean one thing. Sure enough...Orion tuggs Vegas's kennel pad out of his kennel and in front of the fireplace. She is now warm and comfy...and snoring like crazy.
(I think I've told this story before, but she's done it again...so I'm sharing again)

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That is just way too cute! I didn't catch it the first time so thanks for sharing! It so proves bullies aren't stupid by any means.
That does it. O wouldn't like living here. We don't have a fireplace. Such a little smartie!
Orion is one very clever little bullie!! :luv:
This little girl is a barrel of laughs...
My husband and I are sitting on the couch with Vegas. Vegas is an "early to bed" type of boy...Orion is a "up real late" kinda girl. I see Orion go into Vegas's kennel...and ask Mark to hold onto Vegas. Vegas usually will try to get Orion out of his kennel, and a tiff is usually in the making. But, Vegas doesn't stir. I see Orion's white baby bully butt sticking in the air heading out backwards from Vegas's kennel. Which can only mean one thing. Sure enough...Orion tuggs Vegas's kennel pad out of his kennel and in front of the fireplace. She is now warm and comfy...and snoring like crazy.
(I think I've told this story before, but she's done it again...so I'm sharing again)

This is really funny, and so darned cute! Evidently Orion has her priorities all figured out!
I can understand Vegas getting irritated at her, but she is sooo cute.
O is the most awesomist. love love love her. :luv:

She can do no wrong. Vegas will have to deal. :p

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