Help Needed! New Mom needs advice


New member
Jan 20, 2019
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
I rescued a bulldog yesterday. He wasn't regularly fed. He is underweight. Any advice he is nippy with my boxer. Making him a vet appt tomorrow just to have checked out and to know what we are facing. I will not send him back to his last situation under no circumstances. He was starved not just for food but love. I would appreciate ant advice!
Welcome and thank you for saving him!

It will take about two weeks for them to settle in... take them for short walks together to help them ‘pack’ .

Food.. add protein , raw eggs are a good option, on top of kibble but don’t over feed then you’ll deal with lots of poo.

What food are you feeding?

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:welcome4::smileywelcome::welcome3: Welcome to the best bullie site ever!! And a double thanks for rescue-ing (sp?)
:welcome2: to EBN... I agree w/Christine, it will take some time to get used to the new routine.
I rescued a bulldog yesterday. He wasn't regularly fed. He is underweight. Any advice he is nippy with my boxer. Making him a vet appt tomorrow just to have checked out and to know what we are facing. I will not send him back to his last situation under no circumstances. He was starved not just for food but love. I would appreciate ant advice!

You kinda answered your own question. :) “He was starved not just for food but love.“ And there you go.

I agree with [MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION]...walk as a pack together, don’t over feed and just let the body get use to have normal amounts of kibbles. Start slowly. When feeding, dont put the bowls beside one another to start with or stand between both dogs while they’re eating as a dog that has been starved, you never know. Just stand there n be patient. Any new Rescue that enters a new home is very hard on them, your dog n your family.
Make sure you soak the kibble first. I do recommend obedience classes once he is settled in. If you are going to vaccinate and deworm etc., also wait until he is settled in, no point in over loading his little system. Keep plenty of water available at all times. Having said that when it comes to nipping etc. use your big voice "Knock it off". When it comes to doing nails, take your time. I like to Dremel, but this can really freak a dog out, so sometimes using a nail file for a minute and then building up time. Once trust is established, you can then tap on each nail with the Dremel and build up time. If you prefer to clip, just take the edges off at first and build up to a proper cut. All the best to you. Sometimes with a rescue you end up wondering who rescued who:D
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