
New member
Jan 2, 2019
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Wondering if anyone else has had this issue. My English bulldog Winston is 1 and 1/2 years old. He has been crate trained since I got him at 12 weeks with no problems. Over the past few months we have progressively given him more freedom and now he only goes in the crate at nighttime. The crate is in my bedroom right next to my bed and he has always slept in the crate. Lately he has been refusing to go into the crate at night. Normally he would run right in when in was bedtime and fall right to sleep. I tried washing his bed and cleaning out the crate hoping that would work but it didnā€™t.. He is completely fine once he is in there and is snoring within 5 minutes but I have to practically trick him to go in the crate every night now. He will even ignore treats that are placed in the crate. If Iā€™m in my room during the day he will come in and lay in the crate no problem, the only issue is going in the crate for bedtime. It seems like this just happened out of no where and Iā€™m wondering if anyone has any advice or insight on whatā€™s going on or if heā€™s just being the stubborn dog that he is! Thanks for any input!


Sounds like a stubborn bulldog to me. Try a different treat, one that he just goes nuts over and be persistent, this should pass.
Thanks, Iā€™ll try that! He usually goes crazy for peanut butter so I even tried that last night and he refused for about 10 minutes until he thought I wasnā€™t paying attention anymore. :crazy:
I have no experience of crates but to me this sounds like Winston might have decided he's a big boy and that he should be allowed to stay up?! Like when kids suddenly realise that the rest of the family stay up although they have to go to bed :D

And look at that cute face - he doesn't look like he wants to be in the crate!
I think youā€™re right! And believe it or not, thatā€™s a picture of him not wanting to leave the crate!:w00t:
Goodness he is handsome.... sounds as others have stated - he is being stubborn and wants things his way. Change up the treat each night and make him think he is getting a different reward.

Little stinker

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