General Question New dog question


New member
Jan 5, 2018
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Hi to all,
I just have this question for boyfriend adopted a 1 yr old female EB..sheā€™s not spayed and is in good health. Weā€™ve notice that when she hears certain sounds i.e. vacuum, food processor, she starts growling and barking. Is that normal behavior? Weā€™ve had her for only 1 week and are getting to know her. I personally love dogs, but havenā€™t had one since I was a girl, so Iā€™m a novice doggy mom so to speak, but want to learn as much as I can about this breed! Any info will be greatly appreciated!


Head Pooper Scooper
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Mar 21, 2011
Katy, Texas
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She is still getting used to her new environment and could be a little scared. Plus no telling what she has gone through the past year. So I would have her in another room when vacuuming. Some just don't like the vacuum anyway. Our BeBe hated it. Give her time to adjust to everything and try to talk to her and stay calm. Hopefully with time she will get used to everything. Plus I would get her spayed as soon as possible.


Norwegian Rose
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Oct 8, 2012
Burlington, ON Canada
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Bulldozer and Blossom
First of all Hi and welcome to EBN, you will love it on this site, lots of great information and even greater people to answer your questions, give advice and share their experiences. Congratulations on your new fur baby, and Thank You for rescuing her. You will love being owned by a Bully. David has given you excellent advice already, you are both new to each other and have to get to know each other, she is probably scared of her new surroundings, sounds, smells and strangers. She will get used to you, and she will settle in. Many dogs are scared of certain loud noises, especially thunder, firecrackers, and vacuums. My two guys have always hated the vacuum, they will run away and hide from it, even my cat runs in the bedroom and hides when I pull the vacuum out. My male Dozer is afraid of everything, even blowing leaves lol. You can try putting her in another room when you vacuum, or put her in her crate for the time you are vacuuming, so she has a safe place. You could try a thunder shirt to reduce her anxiety, or maybe give her something to take her mind off while you are vacuuming, like a toy or a Kong toy filled with a treat like peanut butter.


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Dec 9, 2016
Seattle, WA
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King Louie, Jax (French Bulldog), Ella Mae and Darla Rae
My Frenchie who is 4 and Iā€™ve had since 10 weeks old goes crazy when the vacuum is on. He will bark and try to attack it. Heā€™s always been this way so he has to go into another room. My bulldog Louie doesnā€™t care at all about it.

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New member
Apr 18, 2016
Cape Town, SA
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Itā€™s normal, some dogs bark, growl and attack devices that produce noise, but there is also very amazing phenomenon when some dogs donā€™t attack noisy devices, but actually kind of sing:yes: so you must check out her, may be he will bark and attack, this is what most dogs do, but some of them are musical and they will growl with any noisy device, and even with music. This is very funny, my sister is a musician, and some of her colleagues had musical doggies, who sang with their owners music. So, may be you have a musical prodigy :D


Well-known member
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May 2, 2013
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One of my dogs who is 8 years old, has always attacked the vacuum cleaner! The last rescue Bullie I have, is so scared of any loud noise, she just flies off her bed, and runs away-not even knowing where! She has been here for awhile, and still does that. It is hard to determine if they have always been that way, or have had bad experiences.I always tell her "it's okay,nothing is going to hurt you". Reassurance is good, but doesn't always fix things. Do the most you can to reassure her, and then accept her for who she is!


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Hi to all,
I just have this question for boyfriend adopted a 1 yr old female EB..sheā€™s not spayed and is in good health. Weā€™ve notice that when she hears certain sounds i.e. vacuum, food processor, she starts growling and barking. Is that normal behavior? Weā€™ve had her for only 1 week and are getting to know her. I personally love dogs, but havenā€™t had one since I was a girl, so Iā€™m a novice doggy mom so to speak, but want to learn as much as I can about this breed! Any info will be greatly appreciated!

:welcome3: to EBN .... agree with David... some just do not like loud noises. My girl hate the vacuum cleaner and other loud noises, drove her to bark and growl. we at times had to place her in a bedroom so she would not get all overheated

She is still getting used to her new environment and could be a little scared. Plus no telling what she has gone through the past year. So I would have her in another room when vacuuming. Some just don't like the vacuum anyway. Our BeBe hated it. Give her time to adjust to everything and try to talk to her and stay calm. Hopefully with time she will get used to everything. Plus I would get her spayed as soon as possible.


Dog Hoarder
May 27, 2013
Barrys Bay Ont Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Megan = Meg,
I find every dog is different no matter the breed
Some run scared away from the noise some attack it , some are curious
The key is never use say the vacuum as a play tool , as you will train the pup to either be scared or attack or or or
I always reassure my guys when a noise takes place even to the point if there scared to pet or cuddle them , I always talk to them and when it is a good noise say like your boyfriend coming on the door home from work I say who is that is that " -----" whatever you call him and then the pup realizes all noises are not bad and can be pretty cool .


Dec 22, 2017
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi to all,
I just have this question for boyfriend adopted a 1 yr old female EB..sheā€™s not spayed and is in good health. Weā€™ve notice that when she hears certain sounds i.e. vacuum, food processor, she starts growling and barking. Is that normal behavior? Weā€™ve had her for only 1 week and are getting to know her. I personally love dogs, but havenā€™t had one since I was a girl, so Iā€™m a novice doggy mom so to speak, but want to learn as much as I can about this breed! Any info will be greatly appreciated!

Hello and welcome. My girlfriend and I are in a similar situation as you as we just got a puppy for the first time since we were kids. We've had Moose for 2 weeks now. It just takes getting used to the sounds. At first he would bark at the hair dryer and the vacuum. Now he just sits and stares. Try to slowly expose her to as many sounds as you can so she gets used to them.


Have Bulldog Will Travel
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Jan 20, 2016
United States
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Our Zoey just barks and barks at the Vacuum. Pippy doesn't bark but she will try to destroy it...MINI tries to stop her. Lala and Kash don't care about it.
I think it's a dog thing, not a Bulldog thing.

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