New Bully Owner...What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.


New member
Jan 19, 2014
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi! I'm new to this forum, so I thought I would introduce myself.

My name is Claire and I've been wanting a dog for my family for years, but my husband has been opposed to larger breeds. Although I grew up with Labradors and I love them, I realized that a lab was too high energy for my husband's expectations.It was by chance really that I found my 6 year old English Bulldog named Tuukka, but what a blessing he has been to our family.

Tuukka (proudly named by us after goalie Tuukka Rask of the Boston Bruins), was being given away on Kijiji because his previous owners were getting divorced and they didn't want him anymore. (maybe heartless, but maybe being given away has led Tuukka to a better life). In any event, I am totally in love with him and I know he's happy here.

I work from home so we keep each other company. He has become my little shadow. He follows me from room to room, and won't ever leave my side. I do insist that he sleeps in his cage at night because he snores louder than a trucker (no offence intended to all the truckers out there).

He is absolutely great with my 3 young kids, and hasn't got an aggressive bone in his body. He has no food aggression, and totally gentle around the kids despite running head first into walls and windows etc. He seems to know that he can't bulldoze through the kids. He doesn't bite, and he only chews on a blanket that I leave for him in his cage. Some times he goes in his cage and just chews for an hour or so. I call it his "chew therapy" like sucking his thumb…Not sure if anyone else has seen their bully do that?

The only that that stinks about Tuukka is his FARTS. Holy smoke.:sos: I have never experienced anything quite like it in my entire life.

Anyway, that's enough from me for now, but I have to say that I feel blessed to have found such a loving companion--that's Tuukka. And maybe I can learn from others who have more experience with Bulldogs.

Take care:bulldog:
Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.


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Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.

:hiya: :welcome3: to EBN and the wonderful world of Bulldogs!! Congrats on your new baby Tuukka... thank you for giving him a new loving home

Gas, is a part of who they are, but the order can be controlled with the right food. banks was bad when on Royal Canine, we then went to raw which she had no gas, and we are now on Fromm Pork and Peas... no gas either!
Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.

:welcome2: to EBN!!! I'm so glad that you were able to adopt your bully Tuukka and give him a loving home!!! Sounds like he fit right in w/your family… Snores & gas are part of the bully package… LOL We have lots of info on food if you check our home page.
Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.

:welcome4:Hi Claire and Tuukka, and welcome to EBN. I'm so glad you joined us, you'll love this site, there's lots of great information and lots of great people on here to ask questions of, give advice, and share their experiences. Thank you so much for rescuing Tuukka, and giving him a furever home, you'll never regret loving a bully. They have the best personalities and are so loving, loyal and funny. The gas is just one part of their charm, but as Christine already mentioned, it can be minimized or eliminated by which dog food they eat. What are you feeding Tuukka? A lot of bullies have allergies or sensitivities to chicken, salmon, and grains. My female Blossom is allergic to all of these and corn as well. We feed our two guys Fromms Beef Frittata, and we don't have a gas problem, just the odd time, we also add 1 Tbsp. of plain unsweetened yogurt to their morning kibble, for the probiotics, it's good for their digestion and it boosts the immune system. You can read the Forum on dog food and nutrition ratings on this site, you want to choose foods a food with a 4 Star rating or better. You want to be careful with him chewing the blanket, as a lot of bullies will chew and swallow soft items like blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, crate pads, socks, and other articles of clothing. This can cause a lot of problems due to obstruction of the items in their intestines. My male Bulldozer has swallowed socks on 4 occasions, and has also swallowed a j-cloth, we've been very lucky so far, in that he has been able to pass them out by either throwing them up, or pooping them out. A lot of members bullies on here have had to have emergency surgery to remove pieces of things they have swallowed. Please be careful, and supervise him when he's chewing the blanket. Our guys can't have any soft toys, they can only have Kong brand of toys as they are hard and it takes them a long time to chew through them, but I still watch them, and check the toys when they get worn, or I see pieces are starting to come off, then I throw the toy away, and give them a new one.
Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.

Such a beautiful introduction, Claire! We're really so happy to have Tuukka and you on the EBN forum. He definitely is a blessing in your life and to your family. And bless you for bringing him into your loving home.

:welcome2: !!!!!
Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.

Awww, such a sweet tribute to your bully, love it <3

Welcome to EBN, you'll learn so much and have a great time...even become
addicted like most of us ;)

I feel in love with my son's gf's bully, the 1st I'd known. I researched on & off
for about 1 & 1/2 and got a call from my sister whose friend wanted to rehome
her bully (no time for him). I lost Brutus Jan 2012 and rehomed Cami about 3 mo's
later. Just can't imagine living with out a bully now.

There are ways to cut way down on the gas and wat down on the stinky ones!
It usually involves changing the protein source and going No GRAIN, Cami came on
Chicken Fromm and when changed over to Bison & Venison (Taste Of The Wild)
she almost never farts, if she does, not bad~she was a terrible gas bomber, Phew!
Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.

:welcome: to the site. You have been given some great info already. The only thing i can add is that in addition to the high quality food would be to add some plain yogurt and/or kefir to his diet as it will promote a healthy digestive system and help to further reduce the nasty gas.
Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.

Hi, I'm Steve. Don't know if you've tried this or not, but Royal Canine for Bulldogs stopped every bit of my bulldog's gas problem. Haven't heard or smelled anything out of her since I put her on it 6 years ago. It was developed especially for bulldogs and their inherit problems. Even the shape is designed for easier chewing with their under bit. Most Pet stores carry it and they also make food designed for other breeds. Hope this helps.
Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.


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Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.

:welcome4: to EBN! Glad you made it here-it is a great place to be! Every one always talks about their bullies having gas. I have had many other breeds, who had a lot more gas. Mine very seldom have gas....OR maybe I am so enveloped in it-I am immune!!! They do eat grain free, though! You could give it a try-and a tablespoon of yogurt daily!
Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.

Re: New Bully Owner…What A Wonderful Gift! Even the Endless FARTING is beautiful.

:smileywelcome: it's amazing how much these bullies mean to us and how much we love everything about include the horrible gas! :lol:
:welcome: food food food. That makes all the difference in the world. What a lucky boy, or should I say a lucky family!

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