New Bulldog Owner


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi, I'm Jules...I adopted my first bully 2 weeks ago. He is a n. male, we think about 2-3 yrs old. Very gentle nature, but has absolutely no manners to speak of. I think he was allowed to do whatever he darn well pleased. Very! He is very food crazy. He was overweight when I got him. Vet says we need to lose 5 more lbs. Any tips on bulldog ownership would be appreciated. He is learning manners and patience. He is learning that all food is not his. Although when I bring him anyplace but home, he i've had to make a belly-band for him to work with correction. He has not tried in my house yet. Anyway..just wanted to introduce myself. Too much to say !
Welcome Jules! Yes, bullies are kinda like toddlers. They will test you and test you. They know they are not allowed to, but they will do it just to see if they can get away with it. lol

The benefit to this is that they are like real children..... we have had many animals and there is just a connection more 'human' like I guess to me, they are like having a 2 year old. Part of what makes them so special.

Have you owned and trained other breeds before? Unlike most breeds who will understand commands and adhere to them, it takes extra and constant and especially consistent training. If yours came from a home that did not do these things, he will have much catching up to do. Think of this as bonding time :)

If you have any questions just ask. [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] has a great stew for weight loss, as a matter of fact, I need it too!!! Very nice to meet you!!
Welcome Jules! Yes, bullies are kinda like toddlers. They will test you and test you. They know they are not allowed to, but they will do it just to see if they can get away with it. lol

The benefit to this is that they are like real children..... we have had many animals and there is just a connection more 'human' like I guess to me, they are like having a 2 year old. Part of what makes them so special.

Have you owned and trained other breeds before? Unlike most breeds who will understand commands and adhere to them, it takes extra and constant and especially consistent training. If yours came from a home that did not do these things, he will have much catching up to do. Think of this as bonding time :)

If you have any questions just ask. [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] has a great stew for weight loss, as a matter of fact, I need it too!!! Very nice to meet you!!
I agree this will be fun for you...Mr. Beefy is 3 he's been here for about 3 mnths and boy is he hard headed but we lub him anyways
Welcome! Just a little info about my babies..and why they are on the stew. Vegas is just over 3 and he has epilepsy. He's always been a little chunky..and my vet has always said he will be on the heavy side because 1) his meds 2)exercise causes fatigue and extreme fatigue causes seizures. We've tried to limit his treat intake and feed him good food. Well, my normal vet is on maternity leave and the guy we saw filling in for her...he comes right out and tells us that Vegas is fat and he needs to lose weight. He suggested cutting his food to 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 cup in the evening. He also told us to give him high fiber stew as a filler. Cabbage, tomatoes, mushrooms and bell peppers. Thats it. So, we give him 1 cup of stew every morning and evening. He started off weighing 68 pds and we took him in for a weight in after 6 weeks. 62 pds! He is looking good. He also is alot more playful! We started adding green beans to the wasn't on the ingredient list, but the Dr said to give those as a treat. They love this stew. Love it. I simmer it for along time. I was told the longer you cook the cabbage and tomatoes..the less gassy they make the pups. So far, I haven't noticed any increase in gas passing. So, give it a try. Let me know.
[MENTION=1481]holymolygirl[/MENTION] Hello Jules, welcome! I'm also here learning everything I can... I think you will find that you hit the jackpot of Bully experience here. Oh BTW, what is a belly-band?
Hello [MENTION=1481]holymolygirl[/MENTION] and Elvis ... welcome to the site. I agree there is nothing more subborn than a bullie!! They are just like toddlers and so you just need to keep reinforcing your commands. On the PLUS side they are also the most loveable creatures put on this planet!!! Unfortunately, that also means you can't stay mad at them for more than a nano-second!! :D
Wecome to the craziness!! Anything you need to know about the bullie experience you can find here.... serious or otherwise. ;)
Hello and welcome! I am sure you will gain a bunch of valuable info here. Please feel free to post questions or concerns you have and we will do our best answer! Good luck training!
welcome!! you sure will learn everything you need to know and more about bullies. dont be afraid to ask questions!!!
Welcome to our group! This is such a great place to learn everything you need to know about this breed! I was new to the breed also, I have two girls who are 5 1/2 months old. I made the weight-lost stew for them, even tho their weight is fine. They LOVED it!! I just added a little to their evening meal, just for variety, instead of canned food. I need to make them some more.
Welcome to the boards! :) We love pics and great stories so post away!!
[MENTION=1034]BruceP[/MENTION] a belly band is something they wear around their waist so that when they go to mark they pee into the band rather than actually marking on things and they dont like it so it eventually should teach them to stop. Have never used one but have heard of them being used with success.
a belly band is a strip of material that wraps around their waist and velcros. Then you put a maxi pad in it to cover their uh...ya know. And when he hikes his leg to pee and you do the correction, you don't have a pee puddle to clean up, it's in the pad. It rocks. We went to tractor supply and I forgot it at home and I wish I'd had it. Comes in handy while training til they learn not to do that behavior anymore. He doesn't mark in my house, but when I bring him to different homes or tractor supply he feels the need to mark.

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