Hello from Sunny South Fla


New member
Nov 12, 2010
Hello Everyone. Cookie and I are excited about being a part of this community. Cookie is 2 years old and the love of my life. Can't wait to share stories.
Hi Veronica and Cookie and welcome!! You are going to love this site and we love all the stories and especially pictures. I live in Florida also, what part do you live in. Hopefully close so we can get our bully's together I have a 17 month old. n. male named Vegas
Welcome Veronica, Cannot wait to hear your stories, and would LOVE to see pics of your Cookie!
[MENTION=1490]VeronicaA[/MENTION] Welcome to the site .... just LOVE the name Cookie!!! :heart:
welcome to the site.... hopefully pics will be posted soon..... o how we love them pics!!!
Welcome Veronica and Cookie! (love that name for a bully) :luv:
Welcome!... I am a newbie as well... I have already experience the warmth on this site and is Wonderful!
Post some pictures :D
Hey and welcome. I am also a newbie and ditto what BULLYLOVER said! This site is awesome and although I am showing as a pooper scooper, I love it. I have to say that I told my hubby last night I was listed as a pooper scooper and he laughed so hard he spit his beer out, I mean his milk. He said the thought of my scooping poop was a sight he would love to see. I cannot help it if it makes me gag! Again, welcome to the site your gonna love it!

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