Need help with Emmitt's skin

Emmitt E

New member
Nov 1, 2010
A few weeks ago Emmitt had three little bumps that looked like bug bites. They were raised pink and the hair was missing there. All the animals in the house are on flea control so I'm not sure what they were.

Anyway, 2 of the 3 bumps didn't heal well. The bump is down, but the skin is red and irritated and getting wider. He's missing 2 patches of hair now and they are looking worse.

The two bad spots are behind his ear and on his leg. They are scaly and seem to itch him.

What should I put on these things. The one on his back healed up fine. I assume that's because he couldn't get at it.

Thank you.
If they are making him scratch, you could try a dab of hydrocortisone creme. That's what I have been putting on Bertie's foot to keep her from chewing on the growth that popped up last week.
Take him in! You might be dealing with mange. Although Vegas's weren't scaly.....they tend to get wider as it progresses. They can do a simple skin scrape and look under a microscope to find out if it is or isn't mange. This is just one possibility.
[MENTION=1443]Emmitt E[/MENTION]
Is it a hot spot? If it is it will soon ooze and look infected, putting antibiotic cream on them seems to help, and most important clean it often with peroxide.
Is it a hot spot? If it is it will soon ooze and look infected, putting antibiotic cream on them seems to help, and most important clean it often with peroxide.

this is what I was thinking, when Duke was a puppy he got these. We would clean it and put neosporin on it but agree have the vet take a peek too.
I think [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] is on the same track I am. See if Dr Turman can get him in sometime this week and do a scraping. Bella came down with the same thing last night, behind her ear.

[MENTION=1443]Emmitt E[/MENTION], how is his weight doing?
Thanks guys.

I'll put some triple antibiotic on it for now and call the vet.
I would also suggest that the first stop be the vet. I was also going to say that this past week I noticed Tubs' deep wrinkles on his face had scabs in them and were really raw. I think it was my fault and didn't get them dry enough after his last bath. I put Animax Ointment on them 2 times (once at night and again in the monring) and they all healed up right away. I got it from my vet, so you might want to ask about that when you go......
Same issue with Belly..turned out to be mange. If it is, best to get it early. Glad you're taking him in to get it checked out.
Yep, it was demodectic mange.

He's on promeris and Cephlexin. Luckily it doesn't seem to bother him too much. Let's hope it doesn't get much worse before it gets better.
A quick bump on this one [MENTION=1443]Emmitt E[/MENTION] - how is the treatment for the mange going?
Yes .. I'm curious too ... how are things going???
So can you get rid of the mange or just control it
Bella and Cali was on cefalexin and then developed a yeast because of the antibiotic
They don't have the mange but had a rash on them
Good Day~
As many others have expressed, finding out what it IS sometimes first has to start with what it is NOT. EBD can have a variety of skin conditions. Allergies can be from food, environment, bedding, eating a bug or spider, or from parasites or bacteria.
Getting the skin scraping done rules out the BIG problem of Demodectic or Red mange.
Demodectic Mange in Dogs |
Treatment |

So now you know what it is and how to go about dealing with the problem.
A antibiotic, Ivermectin and a benzo-pyroxide shampoo are very effective in treatment. Others also have had success also adding C-Silver, and DE.

Take care,

Here is the thread also posted about this.

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