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Thank you [MENTION=13133]TyTysmom[/MENTION] ,you are a big help. I just ordered Fromm puppy food we will see how that works with Elliot and his red face.


Nov 4, 2014
Katy, TX
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Tyson aka "Ty-Ty"
Thank you @TyTysmom ,you are a big help. I just ordered Fromm puppy food we will see how that works with Elliot and his red face.

You are MOST welcome. Please keep us posted on his progress. If he has any itchy-ness - the grain free will hopefully solve that too! Fromm is wonderful food, and once he switches off puppy, and goes grain free - you can interchange the flavors so he can have variety :) Also, "fruitables" are a good treat - that are grain free... I'd stay away from any biscuits, and such. * Best advice I can give you is - if you can find the food or treats at local corner store, walmart, etc - it's probably not the best quality - for bullies anyway * If you go to the Fromms website, search for retailers that carry their food - those are the stores you want to be shopping at for treats, etc. They will have your grain free options galore :D


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@tytymom that's exactly what I did, I found a great holistic natural pet food and treat distributor right down the road from me, I did not even know it existed. I thought my only option was petsmart for the longest time. Got some good fruit treats for my baby. So happy I joined this website because now I'm learning so much about what is best for my dog. Thanks everyone


Nov 4, 2014
Katy, TX
Bulldog(s) Names
Tyson aka "Ty-Ty"
Awesome!!! This is wonderful, give him a few weeks to fully adjust to the new food, transition slowly - be patient because he has to fully get rid of all the old food. You can add some plain canned pumpkin to help with the transition too. Can't wait to see some pics of sweet Elliot!


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image.jpgimage.jpg [MENTION=13133]TyTysmom[/MENTION] he's looking forward to his new changes :)


Norwegian Rose
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Hi Kelly, I agree with others comments and you got great advice from Dolphin. It definitely sounds like allergies.
Eukanuba and Iams are not good foods as they have too many fillers and grains and corn, also many bullies are allergic or sensitive to chicken. Its best to buy your dog food from a store like Rens, Global Pets, Petsmart or other pet food retailer rather than from a grocery store or a Big box store like Walmart. When I got my two guys from the breeder, he was feeding them Royal Canin, which I knew was not a great food either from reading the ingredient list. My female had many allergy symptoms as well that ended up being from chicken and salmon. I started researching dog foods and that's how I came across this site, after reading the dog food ratings, I saw that Royal Canin is rated as a 3 Star, so to the best choice for food. You're better to choose a 4 Star or Better food. Examples of these are Fromms, Wellness, BlueBuffalo, Arcana, Orijen, and Go Natural. It's really trial and error to find a dog food that is a good quality and one that your dog tolerates.
I would also be careful with treats, as many store bought treats have added chemicals, preservatives and artificial ingredients which are not good for dogs. When training your dog, you can just use a piece of his own kibble to reward him.
Fruitables, Wellness, and Benny Bully liver treats are great brands and are all natural.


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He could also have an allergy to grass. Jackson and Penny have to be wiped down after they come in from playing outside or they will get welts on their little bellies. It's probably the food that's causing issues, but I would also wipe him off after outside adventures just to be safe. Owning a bully is a such an amazing experience! Don't worry yourself too much, once you fall into a routine it will feel like second nature to do all these crazy things!


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Thank you [MENTION=6311]Vikinggirl[/MENTION] sooo informative/ (everyone else as well) like I said I went to a speciality dog food store in my area and will start mixing some Formm into his diet and got him fruit treats as rewards. And I will keep everyone posted on his health and well being.


Norwegian Rose
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Thank you @Vikinggirl sooo informative/ (everyone else as well) like I said I went to a speciality dog food store in my area and will start mixing some Formm into his diet and got him fruit treats as rewards. And I will keep everyone posted on his health and well being.

hi Kelly, when doing a food change, do a slow transition to avoid tummy upsets and diarrhea. Start with 1/3 of the old food mixed with 2/3 of the new food for 3 or 4 days, then mix 1/2 of the old food with 1/2 of the new food for a few days, and then 2/3 of the new food with 1/3 of the old food, and then finally all new food. It can take up to a month before you see any benefits or improvements from a new food, because it can take up to a onto for the old food to leave his system.
It takes time and patience, but once you find a food that works, its worth it, you'll see a improvement in his stools, he won't shed as much, his coat will be soft and shiny, and he won't have the allergy symptoms of itchy paws, pink skin or goopy eyes. You can also add some natural supplements to his food to boost his immune system. I add 2 Tbsps of plain yogurt to the morning kibble for the Probiotics. This is great for digestion and the immune system, I also add 1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar to their drinking water, there are many benefits to ACV, and I give 1 tsp. of Kelp to the evening kibble.

Benefits of Apple cider vinegar

By Singing The Praises Of Apple Cider Vinegar on Jul 6, 2008 in Dr.Jeannie, Dog Health - Immune System, Dog Breeders Corner, Dog Heart Health, Dog Nutrition, Doggone Home & Garden Stuff

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider is known around the world as Mother Nature’s miracle medicine, a powerful weapon in the war against aging and disease that is more effective than many high-priced prescription drugs. When God created this fruit He designed it be a food and a medicine!

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is golden liquid concentrated with the healthy goodness of apples. It contains more than 30 important nutrients, 12 minerals, over 6 vitamins, essential acids and several enzymes. Moreover, it has a large dose of pectin for a healthy heart, and thus, healthy as a whole.

Many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and substances are available in ACV to improve the health of your dog. ACV can provide them with enzymes and important minerals, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine,
phosphorus, iron, silicon and other trace minerals. The vitamins contained in ACV are bioflavonoids (vitamin P), beta-carotene (precursor to vitamin A), vitamin C, E, B1, B2, and B6. Tannins from the crushed cell walls of fresh apples as well as malic acid, tartaric acid, propionic acid, acetic acid and pectin (fiber) are also contained in ACV.

ACV is cheap, easy to use and it really benefits our health in numerous ways. ACV can benefit both people and their pets. It is antibacterial and anti-fungal and gives the immune system a good boost. As a high potassium electrolyte balancer, it remineralizes the body and helps normalizethe blood’s alkaline acid balance.ACV is the natural king of skin remedies. It is wonderful for itching and scratching pets as well as a superb skin and hair conditioner. Good old apple cider vinegar either straight or diluted 50/50 with water can be applied directly to the affected area and allowed to dry. It will kill bacteria on hot spots, eliminate dandruff, rejuvenate hair, skin and help sweeten and balance the pH levels in the body. When giving your dpg a bath, shampoo, rinse, then apply ACV either straight or diluted, followed by rinsing with water. Notice, any residue shampoo will be washed out and you will feel and see an increased softness and sheen to the coat.

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful detoxifying and purifying agent. It breaks down fatty, mucous and phlegm deposits within the body. By breaking down these substances it improves the health and function of the vital organs, such as the kidneys, bladder and liver, by preventing excessively alkaline urine. Put a tablespoon of ACV in your dog’s drinking water every day and you will no longer have those brown spots in your lawn from the dog’s urine.

This powerful potion also promotes digestion, assimilation and elimination, all the while neutralizing any toxic substances that enter the body. Cider vinegar has been found to ..neutralize any harmful bacteria that may be found in certain foods. While dogs and cats do not have to worry too much about the bacteria in raw meat, if YOU are in doubt, you can pour a little Apple Cider Vinegar over thier raw meal.

Cider vinegar can also be beneficial for symptoms such as tooth decay and splitting of your dog’s toenails, which can be symptoms of potassium deficiency. Potassium is essential for the replacement of worn-out tissues within the body. This mineral is also important to soft tissue repair, as calcium is to the bones and teeth which makes it a wonderful supplement for senior dogs.

Tests have proven that when potassium, in the form of cider vinegar is fed to livestock their appearance improves and their stamina increases.

Cider vinegar is thought to be beneficial in the treatment of arthritis, as a supplement added to your pet’s daily water supply (or poured over the food) or with compresses soaked in hot vinegar applied directly to the joints. It is also thought to be helpful when used to treat allergies, osteoporosis, cancer, candida, high cholesterol, constipation, muscle cramps, colitis, diabetes, diarrhea, depression, dizziness, ear discharge, eczema, fatigue, kidney stones, kidney and bladder problems, metabolism, and stiff joints.

The supplementation of ACV has been known to naturally remove red tear stains from the inside out. It is also used by many to prevent fleas when used in a rinse for the dog’s coat.

Recently, Dr. Louis Ducarre of Geneva, Switzerland, author of the fairly new book,Natural Cures, Natural Life states that when mixed with honey, apple cider becomes potent enough to cure cancer, heart disease and other deadly ailments .

Natural apple cider vinegar is found in health food stores. It should be a rich amber color with the “mother” quite visible as sentiment on the bottom. The strength of vinegar is important. All varieties of vinegar contain about 4 to 7 percent acetic acid, with 5 percent being the most common amount. Acetic acid is what gives vinegar its tart and sour taste.

There is nothing beneficial about commercial distilled vinegars except for pickling, cleaning and disinfection —they have no health value!


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[MENTION=6311]Vikinggirl[/MENTION] I started today and am doing a gradual transition for Elliot and hope that This food works for him and his pink face will disappear after a while. As for the yogurt I was told to watch because of the sugars in the yogurt?! But one person tells me one thing and vice versa, but as I am obsessed with him I want the very best. Have their been anyone saying that the acv could upset them or if they could have a reaction to that?! And when giving it to him, how much should I put in water?


Nov 4, 2014
Katy, TX
Bulldog(s) Names
Tyson aka "Ty-Ty"
I started today and am doing a gradual transition for Elliot and hope that This food works for him and his pink face will disappear after a while. As for the yogurt I was told to watch because of the sugars in the yogurt?! But one person tells me one thing and vice versa, but as I am obsessed with him I want the very best. Have their been anyone saying that the acv could upset them or if they could have a reaction to that?! And when giving it to him, how much should I put in water?

If you are going to yogurt, make sure its plain jane yogurt, no flavored at all. Plain greek is fine, yogurt is a good probiotic. But - start with the food change for now... slowly... the canned pumpkin will help with the transition. Once he's on the new food fully - see how he's doing.... then add yogurt after. Its best to do one thing at a time, and see how it goes :)


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Its best to do one thing at a time, and see how it goes :)


i am late to the thread, but the gang has you so well covered... I just wanted to say your little man is adorable!!!


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[MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] thank you thank you! I love him and just want to do everything right/ so glad I found this site.


Norwegian Rose
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Hi Kelly, Jessica gave you great advice, and plain unsweetened yogurt is very beneficial for digestion and the immune system. Add 1 to 2 Tbsps to the morning kibble. I add 1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar to the drinking water everyday, you can also add it to the kibble instead but add it to the evening kibble, not together with the yogurt, as the acv will sour the yogurt. It is best to add each new treat, supplement or food one at a time and for a week before introducing a new one, that way you will know which ones she tolerates, and which ones she has a reaction to.

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