My big fat scardy cat Ftse

Ftse 100

Bully lov'in wonder from down under
Mar 25, 2012
Qld Australia
Bulldog(s) Names
We took Ftse today to Woodgate about an hour from our house for an outing and tried to walk on the beach but no he was not having a part of it he doesn't like sand, which I fully understand I can not stand the feel of sand on my feet at all.
Woodgate April 6 2014 013.jpg
Woodgate April 6 2014 014.jpg
Woodgate April 6 2014 015.jpg
Woodgate April 6 2014 016.jpg
Woodgate April 6 2014 017.jpg
Woodgate April 6 2014 018.jpg
Woodgate April 6 2014 019.jpg
Woodgate April 6 2014 020.jpg
Woodgate April 6 2014 021.jpg
Woodgate April 6 2014 022.jpg
Ftse could not get back to the car quick enough.
Like mother like bulldog? lol

He looks so happy in the photos. So adorbs.
Too cute. You never know what these guys and gals will be afraid of next. Lol

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He is so dang handsome, love this little guy..... He reminds me of the cartoons, legs are moving but going no where fast. Dad saved him from the evil sand
Pooor Ftse, Vegas would have thought he was at a smorgasboard, he loves to eat sand!! :cursing:
Oh my goodness, poor Ftse!!! That water looks beautiful Julie, but I would be afraid to get in… seen too many episodes of SHARKWEEK!!! :eek:
Bull arious!!! Thanks for sharing😄

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Awww poor baby xxx but on the other hand i really enjoyed this pictures xx
Hahahaha!! Buster's exactly the same!! Those are really good photos Julie, I'm happy you got to get away for a little. I LOVE that sticker on the back window too!! FTSE is so good looking :heart:
Oh my goodness, poor Ftse!!! That water looks beautiful Julie, but I would be afraid to get in… seen too many episodes of SHARKWEEK!!! :eek:

Tracey I don't get in for that reason, too many shark attacks lately not that they have been here but I don't go swimming anywhere.
Hahahaha!! Buster's exactly the same!! Those are really good photos Julie, I'm happy you got to get away for a little. I LOVE that sticker on the back window too!! FTSE is so good looking :heart:

hahahah Phil the dog was my old pug Maddisen he was built like a Bullie just have not changed it to Ftse yet. Bought those in Anaheim in 2005 have come back and get another one!!
Love the pics!! Ftse really is a gorgeous bullie.

But yeah, while I love the beach, I hate sand between my toes too- so I totally get it.
Honestly the most FEARFUL LOOKING dog I thought growing up was the bulldog. And they are literally the sweetest most loving dogs in the world... And you would THINK they would be fearless too right? NOPE. I swear they are more afraid of anything than any other breed known to man!!! hahaha i think bulldogs are the entire meaning of "dont judge a book by its cover" :laugh:
Honestly the most FEARFUL LOOKING dog I thought growing up was the bulldog. And they are literally the sweetest most loving dogs in the world... And you would THINK they would be fearless too right? NOPE. I swear they are more afraid of anything than any other breed known to man!!! hahaha i think bulldogs are the entire meaning of "dont judge a book by its cover" :laugh:

They sure are OCD if anything is out of place you would think it is a monster or something as they seem to be scared of their own shadows.
They sure are OCD if anything is out of place you would think it is a monster or something as they seem to be scared of their own shadows.

exactly! although some good is coming out of this because I am now smart enough to realize to use it for my own advantage. Like leaving a plastic bag on the door of the room she shouldnt go in... WORKS LIKE A CHARM!!

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