More bully-tude from Orion........


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
Just like a typical child. You tell them "no" and they scream. You tell them to go in their room, they won't. You tell they to stay OUT of their room, they run right in! In our house, we have little couches ontop of each of their kennels. They were climbing on top of them anyways, so we played along. Now they have started to jump off their couches........and if their kennel door is open......OUCHIE! So we shut the kennel doors. O hates this. She can't stand being told where she can and can't go. In this video she's expressing to me how very important it is for her to get into her kennel (there isn't anything in there, she has already pulled everything out)
That is SO funny!! That baby bully bark.. isn't it just too cute, sounds like Chester!!!
Love the video! My boxer used to get upset if her kennel door was closed. She wouldn't growl or bark, but she'd paw at it and whine until it got open. I still have no idea why...?
Yet another gem from Libra and her bully crew :)

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