
New member
Aug 14, 2016
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Mr. Potato Pants (Tater)
Has anyone heard of using Magnesium as supplement for support with anxiety/ stress/ aggression etc issues? A woman I briefly met with last weekend who works with aggressive shelter dogs swore it works to help calm many dogs she's worked with but I couldn't find much information on it (for this purpose) aside from a supplement called Nupafeed Calmdog that uses it as the main ingredient. CALM DOG SUPPLEMENT | CANINE MAGNESIUM SUPPLEMENT FOR DOGS | DOG CALMER

The above supplement is pretty expensive and I'm guessing human grade magnesium could also be used but I wouldn't want to guess at dosages or if there are other risks to using it. As an aside, I also know this wouldn't take the place of training or other methods for dealing with dog anxiety or aggression but if there is a healthy supplement that could helps support "calmness" it could potentially be helpful. I've also seen other supplements/ treats that promote calm but they have a lot of different ingredients things in them and usually have chicken in them as well, which is an allergy no-no for my dog who is on a limited ingredient diet. Thanks!
Human grade magnesium for humans is the same as for dogs. Try to get it in powder form. Pill form is useless. Go by weight. Usually an adult is around 350mg. So for sure less for a dog. Side effects are not dramatic.....stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and probably a few more. This is a mineral that your body eliminates when you go for a pee. All minerals flushes out. Why tons of people lack in minerals. I know this sounds harsh but dogs are the best "animal" to be tested on for human's health issues as the dog gets exactly what a human has or vis versa. Sad I know but heh two ways too look at this point of view. All this to say......same stuff! Just watch the mg intake for your furball :)
Never heard this... very interesting

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[MENTION=16233]BullyPotato[/MENTION] have to say...your name is absolutely funny. The names you guys come up with....just makes me laugh!