Hi there,
Really needing some advice and quick! My male english bulldog Romeo will turn 2 in July. The last few weeks he has been acting aggressive towards dog walkers I have hired to take him out during the day. These are people who live in my building and who I have introduced him to...
Hi all, this is my first post and I'm very new to the site.
Our 4-year-old female Madonna who like most bullies are so soft, loving and sweet to humans, can't stand other dogs. We've had her since she was 2 as her owners didn't want her anymore, we think they got one litter from her and didn't...
My EB, Grace, is 3 years old and has never shown any aggression at all. I got her when she was 12 weeks old and we adopted a dog from the pound when she was 8 months old. She never was aggressive to the new puppy nor anyone else. She doesn't even have any food aggression.
She nipped at...
Hi all, I have a question on my bully’s behavior that I hope you can give some advice on.
i have a 6 year old (7 in a couple of months), neutered male bulldog. We have had him since he was about 4-6 months old. We adopted him from a veterinarian friend In Houston after he was abandoned at the...
Munson is 3 year old neutered male, laidback, loveable lump of sweetness. Sugar is 2 year old spayed female filled with anxiety and alpha craziness. She is also on Prozac because she is afraid of wind and sound of raindrops and birds chirping....has gotten better but used to be a real nut case...
Three days ago I took in a friends English Bulldog, the owner believes he is around 3 years old, he has had little to no training and hasn't been socialized with other dogs or his surroundings. When I first got him he would constantly try to hump and display dominance over my passive 8 year old...
Hi there,
I wondered if you could help me. I have a beautiful girl English bulldog named coco who we decided to breed because we wanted another bulldog and decided the best way for her to bond with the puppy was to have her own. It has been one heck of a ride but so worth it. We have 3...
We are desperately in need of some help and advice.
Some of you may remember everything we went through earlier this year obtaining Josie. She was re-homed to us via Craigslist (for free) by a young man who stated that he had already had her checked for a chip. He found her tied to a pole...
My Bulldog Gambit has always been so good and so mild mannered. He wouldn't even Bark at other dogs or people walking by. Within the last 6 months or so he is starting to snap at people, they will go to him with the back of their hand to allow him to smell them. He will sniff and show no...
Has anyone heard of using Magnesium as supplement for support with anxiety/ stress/ aggression etc issues? A woman I briefly met with last weekend who works with aggressive shelter dogs swore it works to help calm many dogs she's worked with but I couldn't find much information on it (for this...
I'm in need of help with my 3 year old male bulldog. We have a few behavior problems but my most important one is the behavior towards our children. He growls and snaps at my 1 year old if he even comes near him. I'll give you a little background:
Our bulldog has never really liked children...
I just adopted a 4-year old, Deaf, female English bulldog. She is absolutely wonderful - she is already house trained, she understands quiet a few sign language signals, she adapted easily to sleeping on her own bed (rather than our bed) - our only issue is she is very aggressive with other...