Lets talk eye boogers!


New member
Apr 30, 2010
Lithia, Fl
Bulldog(s) Names
Tilly's gets bad "eye crusties", especially in her right eye. I must wipe them twice daily. She doesn't have HUGE wrinkles, but they are there. I noticed this evening that around her right eye where it was crusted up from not being wiped all day had got really irratated and red. I put some eye ointment on in hopes it will calm it down. Any suggestions on what may help prevent this or is this a lost cause?:(


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None of my bullies have anything like that. They sometimes wake up with some goody eye boogers, but nothing like what you are describing. Have you discussed this with your vet?
not really, (I work for a vet) and have asked about it just talking, She said, sounds like normal "bulldog" issues. I do need to bring her in soon though.
Hi, when you say crusty in the eye is it clear or color??I ask because one of ours has chronic dry eye and sometimes not pretty color we daily several times have to wipe and apply ointment and drops. I would f/u with vet. I do notice when we apply ointment first thing he does is try to rub off on rug so have to distract him for few min.


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Its like a dark color, they kinda gross me out picking at them LOL, And come to think about it, she origally came from Miami- Dade Animal control, and the people who had her, said she had underwent bilateral ear sugery and along with tacking her eye ( I THINK) I have only had her for about 9 months, but have never had any issues with her ears or eyes, but Im gonna have to look into just in case it may be dry eye. THANKS!
Toby get the eye boogers and I wipe them out first thing of the morning. His brother Rocky (nonEB) keeps his eyes clean and the wrinkles down from his eyes. Brothers make the best eye cleaners. My vet told me I could put systane in his eyes, which is nice just buy a two pack one for me and one for him. But Toby's is just the night eye junk that looks a lot like mine when allergy season is in high gear.
Chester doesn't get those either...the only time he did was last week when we picked him up from the vet after his neutering..and I just chalked it up to the meds they gave to put him out, they can tend to dry everything out.
horse always had super goopy eyes, i had to clean them at least 5 times a day! within a week of changing him to a high quality food (nature's logic), he only has eye boogers when he wakes up in the morning (just like us humans).


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Tidus had bad eye boogers and come to find out he had an eye ulcer. Then he got another ulcer in his other eye from rubbing his eyes. Find a vet that specializes in Opthalmology. I paid my vet $100+ to look at his eyes, and he sent me to the Ophtalmologist who proceeded to do and bill me for all the same things my vet just did, but HE knew what to do next. Regular Vet didn't.
Silva gets "eye boggers" alot especially in the morning, she has ingrown lashes on her inner and lower lids the vet was going to do surgery but they have never gotten any worse or changed so they decided not to. I wash around her eyes whenever needed and apply eye lubricant (from the vet) daily when needed, its funny that you brought this tpoic up becasue lately it has gotten worse and changed colour so I will watch it and call the vet if gets any worse.
Eye boogies are a big problem for Piggy. She has chronic dry eye so the mucus and goop that tears normally wash out get stuck on her eyes. She has to have her eyes cleaned at least twice a day, four on others and have either medication dropped in or a gel based eye lubricant to keep her eyes happy. There are mornings where I feel like gagging cleaning her eyes out but it has to be done.
[MENTION=1217]Lacey28[/MENTION] How did you know that your bulldog had ingrown hairs on her eyelids? our 10mo old Lola has boogies and really wet tear stains, and sometimes i see boogies and little hairs floating on her eyeballs. It's not a huge deal to manage the tear stains, but i wonder if its ingrown hairs and not allergies. i think her big teeth in the back are still growing in so she's probably tearing up due to teething still too.

[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] is there any way to tell without going to the vet that there is an eye ulcer? both eyes seem to be equally wet, some floater boogies but mostly wet tear stains. sometimes i see a hair floating in her eye too. could the tears still be from teething (she's 10 months)? or likely allergies - should i start making some food changes, we just switched her to NBalpha lamb which has chicken in it, and ziwipeaks venison.