Help Needed! Ivermectin with english bulldog


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Apr 13, 2015
United States
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Somebody with more experience please help me with this. Zoey just turned 1 last week and up until a month ago was an amazingly happy energetic little bully. She got some sort of rash so we took her to the vet and figured out it was mites. So they prescribed ivermectin which i have heard can be bad for some dogs but the vet assured me it would be OK. So we started her off with small doses and worked our way up, in the last month she has seemed to become very depressed and can hardly move her back legs. We couldn't stop this dog from leaping onto the couch and running up and down the stairs and now she cant get over the 2in of metal to get in and out of her kennel. I took her to the vet and the vet says it has nothing to do with the medicine and that she has sever hip dysplasia and she need surgery as soon as possible. I don't understand how that could have happened in one month. She weighs 38lbs (she weighed 41lbs when she started taking it) and the vet has her on .73ml oral dose daily. Does this seem right to anybody that has more experience?


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Feb 15, 2015
Los Angeles
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Brett & Logan 👼🏻🌈(1/3/05-05/1/21)
Somebody with more experience please help me with this. Zoey just turned 1 last week and up until a month ago was an amazingly happy energetic little bully. She got some sort of rash so we took her to the vet and figured out it was mites. So they prescribed ivermectin which i have heard can be bad for some dogs but the vet assured me it would be OK. So we started her off with small doses and worked our way up, in the last month she has seemed to become very depressed and can hardly move her back legs. We couldn't stop this dog from leaping onto the couch and running up and down the stairs and now she cant get over the 2in of metal to get in and out of her kennel. I took her to the vet and the vet says it has nothing to do with the medicine and that she has sever hip dysplasia and she need surgery as soon as possible. I don't understand how that could have happened in one month. She weighs 38lbs (she weighed 41lbs when she started taking it) and the vet has her on .73ml oral dose daily. Does this seem right to anybody that has more experience?

My Brett (5 mos old) also confirmed for Demodex Mange but was prescribed a medicated shampoo and Mitaban. When we give dip every week, he seems lethargic maybe depressed? but that's the side effect after a day he's back to his normal self again. Maybe try getting a second opinion from a different vet?? Please keep us posted.


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May 2, 2013
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A friend of mine has a dog with hereditarySarcoptic mange. She gets a shot of ivermectin every month. I have given my dogs ivermectin, and have had no problems. Many vets give Ivermectin for mange. I haven't heard of any problems,personally.


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Jun 19, 2013
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Wally had demodex mange, and we opted to do the dips at the vets office because it was starting to spread. On the days of his dips he was lethargic, and that was listed as one of the side effects… but he seemed to bounce back after 24 hours. Seems odd that the vet would throw out the hip dysplasia as a reason… first of all if it was me I would take him to a specialist to confirm the hip issue. I would also get a second opinion on the mange treatment… dogs are like people, some can not handle certain meds.


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Feb 18, 2014
Eastern NC
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My Bodie also had demodectic mange when he was around 3-4 months old. He was on Ivermectin for 6+ months, daily oral meds. If I remember correctly he didn't have any side effects from the meds, no depression, or anything of the sort. But it was after his first surgery for an Urethral Prolapse that he got demodex. We just figured it was because of his weakened immune system from the surgery and meds, plus the terrible breeder and her methods. He's 5 years old now, and has MAJOR allergy issues which causes secondary MAJOR skin infections and yeast everywhere. Also, some flea and tick topical meds have ivermectin in them, K9 Advantage Multi is one.
I hope your baby gets better!! I agree with others, get a second opinion about the hip dysplasia. Don't just take what your vet tells you as the "gospel", a lot of vets are only out to do surgeries to make more money, they don't really care about your dog...


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Nov 5, 2014
Dallas, Texas (Richardson)
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Winnie took Ivermectin for Demodex mange for a couple of months. It was in drop form and she took it every day. She never had any side effects at all. Good luck!


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Dec 13, 2012
Washington, DC
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Somebody with more experience please help me with this. Zoey just turned 1 last week and up until a month ago was an amazingly happy energetic little bully. She got some sort of rash so we took her to the vet and figured out it was mites. So they prescribed ivermectin which i have heard can be bad for some dogs but the vet assured me it would be OK. So we started her off with small doses and worked our way up, in the last month she has seemed to become very depressed and can hardly move her back legs. We couldn't stop this dog from leaping onto the couch and running up and down the stairs and now she cant get over the 2in of metal to get in and out of her kennel. I took her to the vet and the vet says it has nothing to do with the medicine and that she has sever hip dysplasia and she need surgery as soon as possible. I don't understand how that could have happened in one month. She weighs 38lbs (she weighed 41lbs when she started taking it) and the vet has her on .73ml oral dose daily. Does this seem right to anybody that has more experience?

Ruckus had demodex or puppy mange when he was little. The vet initially prescribed ivermectin with the same structure -- starting on small doses and moving up. She said bad reactions were extremely rare, but Ruckus was severely lethargic and sometimes vomiting. I took him off the ivermectin and switched to medicated shampoo and Goodwinol ointment. He wouldn't move around or jump, I'd have to pick him up to put him on the sofa or wherever.

Unfortunately I have no experience with hip dysplasia so I can't help there.


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Apr 12, 2016
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My Penelope turns six months old tomorrow and has been prescribed ivermectin and I'm extremely scared to give it to her. Our first vet prescribed bravecto and I decided not to give her that after reading reviews, and now we've been told to give her ivermectin every day, which I feel is even worse, but I feel like we're at our last resort here, we even called a naturopathic vet and they want almost two hundred dollars to even see her. The vet says it's not the kind of mites that go away on their own. Any opinions on whether bravecto or ivermectin is safer and which one will work better?


Nov 23, 2015
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[MENTION=15754]Santana85[/MENTION] At 5 months of age, my pup was given Ivermectin after being diagnosed with D-mange, due to a weakened immune system, effects from steroids and stress after surgery. He is now 8 months old and just took his last dose this past Monday. As vet wanted 2 clean scrapings before taking him off.
I can tell you the ivermectin worked for us, with no major side effects besides having loose/soft formed stool. Which is still too soon to determine if the medicine is the cause.
You do need to start off with a small dose and work your way up. This was done each month they increased his dose, bc of his weight.
Not sure what kind of mite your pup has but I can also tell you my vet advised us not to use the medicated shampoo, as she did not see any reason for it and would only aggravate his skin and make things worse. We kept him on his normal bathing schedule. We bathe him about every 2 to 3 wks. I also started him on coconut oil, both oral and topical. To help build his immune system and help with his fur loss. Everything seemed to work.

I hope this helps! If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask! Hope your baby feels better soon!


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Apr 12, 2016
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Thanks very much...we have been bathing her in coconut milk the past few weeks and rubbing coconut oil on her itchy patches, and we also changed her food to grain free. Her itching does seem to be better, but her patches are still there. They are growing hair over them, which made me optimistic, but we've been told that doesn't really mean anything and it's still red under the hair. I'm just so conflicted I want to do the very best thing for her and I don't know what that is, I feel irresponsible for not giving her the medicine, but I'm just so scared of what it might do to her. We are planning to start the ivermectin tomorrow, I don't see any other option at this point, I don't want her to have to live with this.

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