Is this normal behavior?


New member
Mar 7, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
Nigel, Ivan
My 5 year old male English bulldog licks furniture constantly. He also pees in his own bed, almost daily. Then he will try and go into the others dogs bed, and usually pees in that one too. I've mentioned this to the vet multiple times but nothing is ever found health wise. Any advice?? My husband is seriously considering finding him a new home and I'm desperate to fix issues if possible. But I'm out of ideas 😔
Why won't he stop licking and peeing
Hello and welcome to the forum!

I'm sure you will get great answers from forum members who have several dogs. My guess would be that if he pees in his beds and on other dogs' beds too, it is marking behaviour. For how long has he been doing this? Did it start suddenly or has he always peed indoors? Any changes in the household (new dogs, new people, new routines)? If there is no health-related issue involved, I would focus on the dynamic of the household, i.e., how he gets along with the other dog and the people in the house. Is he a happy dog or is he anxious and trying to establish his place in the pack?

One way to help him stop could be to monitor him constantly so that you can re-direct him when he starts licking the furniture, for instance.
It could be anxiety.... have you tried CBD oil ?

Is thi sudden or always has been happening? If new... what has changed in the household especially within pack... new human, new animal... have you moved or changed routines?

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First thing I would do, if you haven't, is have him checked for a UTI, or bladder infection,possible prostate. The licking could be due to pain, or possible gas, even boredom. First is to rule out infection. Then for his digestion, a pro biotic, or plain yogurt-one or two tbsp each day.

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