I'm done - he snores way too much (Gunny-Sgt Chavez)


Active member
Sep 6, 2023
Port Orchard WA
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Gunny / Gun-guns
Fellow EBN parents
I had to turn to drastic measures -- Gunny-SGT will now have to sleep using my CPAP machine. Now, I need something for his tooting problem -- Just joking -- You all have a wonderful day!
CPAP Gunny.jpg
Hysterical and cute!! Their snoring has become my lullaby
LOL...works perfect!
For the tooting, you could always use the same CPAP, run it in reverse, and pipe it into your crawlspace to keep the critters out...or your neighbor's living room just for the fun of it.
LOL...works perfect!
For the tooting, you could always use the same CPAP, run it in reverse, and pipe it into your crawlspace to keep the critters out...or your neighbor's living room just for the fun of it.

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