Lesson Learned!!


Active member
Feb 12, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
It has been a bit since I've needed to post a thread...figured I should post this. Well first off, Gilbert is about 10 1/2 months old now. He is my constant shadow or personal "stalker" (whichever way you want to look at it). Gilbert seems to like to play with his toys most when I am sitting down (watching tv..reading EBN..etc) in the same room of course (I am a trained toy fetcher :rolleyes:). Anyway...sometime this past week Gilbert was playing with his stuffed monster (any stuffys he has/had I am constantly checking to make sure he isn't eating anything)..nothing out of ordinary..took pieces away if got chewed off. Gilbert has been eating, drinking and playing as usual. Friday night I noticed his poo was a bit soft serve. Ok, I think he probably had too many apple slices last couple days and gave him some pumpkin to help. Saturday morning I woke up to let him out and after breakfast something caught my eye in his tent (where he sleeps)

He must have eaten this so fast I didn't even notice or realized it was gone (2 others were already chewed off). I am so relieved he was able to vomit that back up!! I can say he will not be getting anymore stuffed toys no matter how much of a helicopter mom I am!
Thankfully he threw it up! Iā€™ve had the same issue with Louie so we donā€™t have any stuffie toys in the house because of that. He had even eaten a part of a blanket before.

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I never have any stuffed toys either or ropes. Only bones n this training floater called firehose.Itā€™s a very thick canvas so they canā€™t really rip it apart. But I still keep an eye on them cause Nyalaā€™s my chewer.
I watch Wesley like a hawk with his toys but to be honest no matter how many toys he has he prefers to pinch shoes whenever possible or any of the anti slip rugs we have all over the house :D
Oh thank goodness he was able to throw it up! It's seem virtually impossible that they can get into such trouble when we HOVER like we do, but it happens and happens fast sometimes. When Joey was a pup one of my sisters left a paper towel on a side table. I remember seeing it there and walked my sister to the door, came back and it was gone. I thought I was going nuts. Any how, fast forward a few days......Joey was struggling to go to the bathroom, I got closer and saw the beginning of something, kind of stuck. You know the rest........luckily I had TWO POOPS BAGS LOL......
Very lucky that he vomited it up. those type things can cause serious trouble, if retained. They are really quick and sneaky about swallowing things. In winter, I have to be very careful that I don't drop a glove, unnoticed by me!
They are fast buggersā€¦. Thank goodness he vomit that up.

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